急: 中文翻譯英文(公司秘書 - 周年大會)

2009-07-02 6:41 pm
煩請幫忙一下, 由於公司需要召開周年大會, 但公司只有1個shareholder, 再加上公司用written resolution 形式的, 所以不知道如何寫, 應該不會加上召開地址及時間啦! 以下是我寫的內容, 煩請幫忙修改一下:
The Annual General Meetings of the Company for the year 2008 will be held at the following place at time.

Annual General Meetings for the year 2008 will be sign a written resolution to transact the business on 20 June 2009.

我想寫普通的會議記錄, 說明於何時舉行AGM, 但形式是以WRITTEN RESOLUTION , 不知道普通會議記錄需要如何寫的

回答 (2)

2009-07-07 3:24 am
Please lend a helping hand, because of the need to convene the Annual General Meeting, but only one shareholder, together with the company form of written resolution, so I do not know how to write, should not be held together with address and time it! I wrote the following content, please help to make some corrections:
The Annual General Meetings of the Company for the year 2008 will be held at the following place at time.

Recommendation II: RESOLVED THAT,
Annual General Meetings for the year 2008 will be sign a written resolution to transact the business on 20 June 2009

I wanted to ordinary meetings, held that when the AGM, but the form is WRITTEN RESOLUTION, do not know how common the need to write the record of the meeting of the
參考: Google
2009-07-02 7:49 pm
Written resolution of all the shareholder(s) of ABC company limited in lieu of AGM passed pursant to Article ?? of the Company;s Articles of Association.
1. Directors
2. Financial Report
3. Dividend
4. Auditors
5. Any Other Business
Shareholder ( Signed )

You should check to the Company's M & A for the specific clause in theArticles for a written resolution in lieu of a meeting.

2009-07-02 13:55:22 補充:
1. Date 2. Time. 3.. Where 4. Presents ( Signed by the attendees ) 5. Matters transacted and its resolution 6. AOB ( Any Other Business ) 7. Time when the meeting terminated 8. Chairman ( Signed )

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