Math Help! What is 13/25?

2009-07-02 7:44 am
I'm punching in 13/25 into the calculator and it gives me 0.52.
How does it get to this answer?

Can someone please use artpad to show me the steps to get .52, thanks!

Thanks, Como. I know that by dividng you get 52, but I do the problem and get something different, I get 1 with a remainder of 12, I would like to know how its getting 52.


Thanks BmjR, I suggested the use of artpad so I could see what your doing.


Hmm, I kind of see what you mean...thanks.

回答 (6)

2009-07-02 10:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
= (100[13/25])/100
= (1,300/25)/100
= 52/100
= 0.52

Answer: First we multiply the fraction by 100 then take the effect of multiplying it by 100 by dividing the product by 100 just to show you that the answer is really 0.52.

Another illustration (transform 0.52 to its decimal form):
= 52/100
= (52/4)/(100/4)
= 13/25

I hope this helped too.
2009-07-02 3:43 pm
= 13 ÷ 25
= 0.52
2009-07-02 3:20 pm
13/25 is a fraction. 0.52 is a decimal both numbers are the same IE hence .052 is the same as 13/25, 4/8 = 1/2, 8/16=1/2, 6/12=1/2. .52 is 13 divided by 25 this converts it to a decimal. .052/100 is a fraction this can be reduced to 13/25 to get the 52 divide 13 by 25 this is a decimal you must study equivalent fractions, changing fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions basic math it is not hard but you have to keep after it.
2009-07-02 3:04 pm
I dont know why you would use art pad but I can try and explain it simply:

13 is .5 larger than half of 25 ( half of 25 is 12.5 ), so we know the answer is at least larger than a half. 1/2 divided by 25 ( or 1/2 times 1/25 ) is equal to 1/50 or .2 . if we add those two together: .5 + .02 we get .52. hope that makes sense.
參考: My head
2009-07-02 3:03 pm
2009-07-02 3:01 pm
13 / 25 = 52 / 100 = 0.52

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