When will I recieve his taxes?

2009-07-02 3:53 am
My ex owes 1800 in back child support his new wife told me they took his taxes in late January when will I recieve them i live in Illinois

回答 (3)

2009-07-02 7:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
"new wife" is an automatic 6 extra months.

The states prefer to give her time to file an injured spouse form than to demand you pay the money back after she files.....
2009-07-02 11:36 am
Talk to child support services that handles your case.

If you have been on state assistance then his back child support will be used first to pay for that and you will get the rest after that bill is paid.

Any time you are entitled to child support and need to go on assistance because you didn't get the child support the state reserves the right to collect from the father for what they paid to you.

Looks like they took his income tax refund to pay for state assistance given to you years ago. Otherwise you would have gotten it by now.
Of course... it helps to let them know where you live, etc.
2009-07-03 7:00 am
You will never receive his taxes. IRS receives his taxes and they are used to pay the costs of running the government.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 20:18:47
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