A letter in reply 5.

2009-07-02 6:39 am
妳說 : 妳只會很間中再加很間中的談談話,這是一句加強語氣的說話,哈哈.我又是多少個很間中呢!!!!!差不多了,希望妳打的求職信不是很間中,很間中的回音,,係持續不斷 invite you to join their company, 祝妳生活愉快...

Could somebody translate aforementioned sentences into English for me..I'd be grateful much...

回答 (5)

2009-07-02 7:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
文字和網頁- Google 翻譯
You say : very occasionally you will only add on is the conversation between, which is to strengthen the tone of a speech, ha ha. How much I very occasionally do almost !!!!! I hope you hit the job-seekers is not among the letter, it is occasionally the answer, the Department continued invite you to join their company,祝妳happy ...
you said that, you only can again add to discuss the conversation very much very much, this is an enhancement expression speech, ha ha. I also am how many very!!!!! Similar, hoped you hits seeks employment the letter is not very, very the echo, continues unceasingly invite you to join their company, wishes you the life happily…
雅虎翻译- 宝贝鱼,Babel fish. 免费在线翻译, 网页翻译 - [ 轉為繁體網頁 ]
You said: You very much will again only add to discuss the conversation very much, this will be one strengthens the expression the speech, ha. I also am how many very!!!!! Similar, hoped you hit the application letter is not very, the echo, is incessancy invite you to join their company, wishes you to live happy…
2009-07-03 1:15 am
回答者: kong.mickey ( 碩士級 2 級 )
擅長領域: 道路 | 巴士
回答時間: 2009-07-02 11:07:33

When you will stop hurting people around here huh?

None of your so-called English sentences makes sense!

2009-07-02 17:16:13 補充:
You have been showing people all wrong Chinese and English sentences on Yahoo. Don't you feel ashamed of yourself?

2009-07-02 17:16:30 補充:

2009-07-02 17:17:09 補充:
Take a ride on your bus and leave these poor learners of English alone!

2009-07-02 17:20:53 補充:
回答者: kong.mickey ( 碩士級 2 級 )
擅長領域: 道路 | 巴士
回答時間: 2009-07-02 11:07:33

Ladies and gentlemen, this guy doesn't only mess around with those lousy
translated sentences, he also cheats with fake IDs.

I am not making up any stories. Please go into his profile and
you will see the answer in the air.
2009-07-03 1:11 am
I wish to make a note that even the Chinese version of the sentence to be translated is itself incoherent and grammatically incorrect.
2009-07-02 3:09 pm
You told me that you were seldom or never to talk with others. You have put emphassis on those words. Ha, am I one of the "seldoms or nevers"??? I should stop here. I hope the responding rate of your job applications will not be seldom or never, but you will be invited to join their companies continuously and consistently. Wish you a happy life.
2009-07-02 11:43 am
You said you would only chitchat every once in a while, I hope you just emphasize your tone of the sentence. OK, I hope your application letter is not a reply of every once in a while, but is to invite you to join their company for a long while. Hope you have a happy life.

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