高手請進(Q.8) Translation

2009-07-01 9:15 pm
他坐下來, 正想向她說聲早, 只見她臉上流露著不悅的神色,
他低聲的問: 「是我做錯了什麼嗎 ?」
不知何時, 浮在她眼眶中的淚珠, 沿著嬌嫩的面頰滴了下來。
她低聲的說: 「你不要以為自己在這世界上很重要 !」

回答 (2)

2009-07-01 10:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
He sat down and was about to greet her good morning but he noticed that her unhappy look. He said quietly, 'did I do anything wrong?'. Tears around her eyes dripped to her cheek. She whispered, 'don't ever think that you are the most important one in the whole wide world!'

2009-07-02 12:42:33 補充:
He sat down and was about to greet her good morning but he noticed her unhappy look.
參考: just trying...
2009-07-01 9:27 pm



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