
2009-07-01 6:44 pm


回答 (5)

2009-07-01 7:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Our company has not received your money yet. If you cannot pay
money before 3rd July, 2009. Our company will stop handling the
government's document of your company. If your company will
received any punishment in the future, our company will not care
about it.
2009-07-01 10:08 pm
We still have not received your payment. If your payment is not received by us on or before 3 July, 2009, we have to stop the processing of your documents for Government. And, we are not responsible for any penalty as levied by the Government thereon.
2009-07-01 8:47 pm
2009-07-01 7:57 pm
Our company has not received you payment so far. If your company fails to settle before 3 July 2009, we shall stop handling those government documents for your company and shall not responsible for any penalty charged to your company in the future.
2009-07-01 7:00 pm
our company has not yet received your money, if you cannnot give
money before 3/7/2009.
our company will stop to complete your company's government
if further your company recevie any punishment, our company
will not care about it.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 20:34:08
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