
2009-07-01 5:53 pm

回答 (4)

2009-07-15 8:12 pm

-kind(善良)-hard working(勤奮)-friendly(親切)-helpful(樂於助人)-clever(聰明)-lovely(可愛)-proud(驕傲)-careful(細心)-tender(溫柔)-humorous(幽默)-straightforward(率直)-optimistic(樂觀)-modest(謙虛)-fortitude(堅毅)-expansive(坦率)-jovial(快活)-vigorous(活潑)-gentle(文靜)-
2009-07-14 5:49 pm
kind, fussy, calm, bossy, romantic, serious, quiet, talkative, brave, patient, sympathetic, adventurous, helpful, proud, spoiled, passionate, careful, observative, intellegent, happy, optimistic, noble, rude, aggressive, bestial, jealous, envious, sensitive, hyperactive, shy, earnest, knowledgeable, arrogant, pessimistic, pretentious, up-tight, loyal, faithful, understanding, hot-blooded, joyful, hesitant, stubborn, obedient, naughty, creative, brash, humble, ambitious, confident, disciplined, respectful, friendly, naive, perky, stern, avid, polite, gentle, caring, studious, mysterious, cold, distant, wild, humorous, strange, playful, outspoken, mature, obsessive, active, scary, cruel, flirtatious
2009-07-01 11:08 pm
溫柔的 ;潑辣的 ;善妒的 ;傳統的 ;優雅的 ;美麗的 ;嬌美的 ;嫵媚的 ;淫蕩的 ;

柔弱的 ;人盡可夫的 ;體態豐滿的 ;賢良淑德的 ;丰姿綽約的 ;閉月羞花的 ;

含羞答答的 ;楚楚可憐的 ;容易受傷的 ;出嫁從夫的 ;嫁雞隨雞的 ;面容絹好的 ;

Gentle; Rude and unreasonable; Is jealous friendly; Tradition; Graceful; Beautiful; Sweet and pretty; Charming; Lascivious;

Delicate; Leads a promiscuous life; The carriage is plentiful; Virtuous virtue; The graceful bearing is graceful; Shames the moon and flowers;

Bashful; Miserable; Easy to be injured; Gets married obeys the husband; Is faithful to husband no matter what his lot is; The facial features silk is good;
參考: me ★
2009-07-01 8:33 pm

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