同事問: 你有無男朋友?

2009-07-01 9:39 am
我講真話: 無喎! (我覺得無男朋友都無所謂, 自己一個都開心, 不悶)

之後, 唔知點解, 佢就變到好憎我, 在公司唱我, 話我係白癡.

回答 (3)

2009-07-02 3:11 am
咪唔好理他地and sead比老闆知......
2009-07-01 10:12 pm
原因只有一個 :
佢一直暗戀你 !
因為佢知道已經冇機會追到你 ,你鐘意一個人 !
所以佢先會甘( 變到好憎我, 在公司唱我, 話我係白癡 )
咦 D 男仔系最吾成熟同幼稚
你吾需要理佢 !
2009-07-01 10:50 am
may be he thinks you are lying to him...

ask him why he did that

you might have angryed him by some thing else

i think the best way is to talk to him

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