post-consumer 怎翻啊 ?

2009-07-01 6:25 pm
各位大大 :

我想問一下. 我們公司目前的產品是 monitor stand. 就是放電腦液晶螢幕的的塑膠架 ( 黑色 ). 客人要我提供下列資料..

1) Post-Consumer Material %
消費性回收比例? 是啥意思 ? 比例越高越好 ?

2) Total Recovered Material Content %
可回收的比例 ? 是啥意思 ? 比例越高越好 ?

3) Meetts the recommended minimun recyclable centent levels for post-consumber and/or total recovered material in, or otherwwise complies with, the applicable EPA Comprehensive Procurement Guideline ( Yes/No) ( it there is no EPA CPG for aSKU, indicated N/A)

符合最低 post-consumer & toal recovered materila. 或是其他符合EPA 全面性採購指導綱要計畫 ( 若一個SKU 沒有EPG CPG, 請打N/A) .. 啥意思? 何謂EPA ?


一個生手的國外業務 ^_^

回答 (1)

2009-07-01 7:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
先回答 EPA = Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. 美國環保署
SKU = Stock Keeping Unit 材料庫存單位, 在此指的是貴公司稱產螢幕腳架的塑膠射出材料。
請參考EPA 網站資料:(網址)
Postconsumer materials means a material or finished product that
has served its intended end use and has been diverted or recovered from
waste destined for disposal, having completed its life as a consumer item.
Postconsumer material is part of the broader category of recovered materials. 
二手成品回收料:也就是將淘汰的成品 (尤其是貴公司生產的產品) 回收,
Recovered materials means waste materials and byproducts which
have been recovered or diverted from solid waste, but such term does
not include those materials and byproducts generated from, and
commonly used within an original manufacturing process.

因為混料的物理與化學特性都跟原來全新的塑膠材料不同,在品管上需要多費工夫檢驗。最後 If there is no EPA CPG for a SKU, indicated N/A
如果貴公司未依照美國環保署全面性採購指導綱要備料, 則回答N/A.
參考: EPA 網站; 也曾經是國外業務的我

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