
2009-07-01 5:48 am
本人AL成績未如理想,雖然FULL CERT但成績未達標,所以想往澳洲讀accounting degree。
我想問在澳洲讀DEGREE,英文要求係咪比香港高,而且D PROFESSOR係咪要我D英文好靚先得, 因為自己英文唔係好叻。


回答 (4)

2009-07-03 10:15 pm
你好, 當然在澳洲讀書英文要求會高D, 因為上堂,功課,同生活全部都係用英文.

假如你AL 英文pass了, 其實都吾係太差了。吾駛太擔心, 讀會計係可以應該到的。
其實有几間澳洲大學讀呢科都几好架, Macquarie University, Monash University, Deakin University.....

如果需要更多詳細資料, 可以去D升學中心度問下。因為我當時都係去過多間升學中心攞資料的,最後都係agent教我搞的,既容易又省時。
希望以上意見幫到你,如有其它問題可以email我: [email protected] 大家交流下啦.

參考: Myself + 朋友
2009-07-02 6:08 am
We studied in Australia before, you do not have to worry very much. If you got a full cert, you may not get into universities in Australia directly, you need to study a 8 months diploma which is equivalent to Year 1 then Year 2 for totally 3 years.

Which universities or diploma program which we introduce you depends on which major subject you would like to study.

Contact us if you are interested. ALL SERVICES ARE FREE OF CHARGE.

留學會客室 OS Meeting Room
852 6929 8304 (Monday to Sunday till 10:30 p.m.)
MSN: [email protected]
No fees charged except visa and institution application fees
2009-07-01 8:42 am
如果真係岩岩好FULL CERT 我諗澳洲都未必會有DEGREE比你

2009-07-01 5:57 am
你好 我係學校既教育助理
例如ielts等的英文評核 對你未來升學會好d
add [email protected]

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