where can I travel in AU??????

2009-07-01 5:08 am
Hi, I am studying on the Gold Coast, Queensland, AU. I've been to Sydney and Melbourne last year. I wanna go travel Australia during the school holiday. Can you please suggest some places for me? and those places are not very far. Like Perth is too far; Fraser Island, Lady Elliot Island are too cold for us to go now, and not Brisbane because I go there very offen.......

I want some places that within QLD or near QLD please.
Thank you !

回答 (3)

2009-07-03 5:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hey, you can go to Coffs Harbour, it is in NSW, it is south from Gold coast, around 4-5hours drive. Actually, everywhere in Australia is the same. You can go fishing, see Big Banana and drive around.
2009-07-22 6:02 pm
There are some research and information about Tourism Business
2009-07-01 10:39 pm
Definitely, you may drive within Queensland from Brisbane north-bound up to Townnsville.
Perhaps Crains is too far for you to drive, (1700 km, impossible and not advisable).
Distance :
Brisbane - Sunshine Coast (100 km, 2小時車程,陽光與海灘,渡假 resort)
Brisbane -Bundaberg (520km ,6小時車程,蔗園,羌廠,大堡礁之入口)
Brisbane -Rockampton (650 km,10小時車程,澳洲畜牛之家,大堡礁,離島 resort)
Brisbane - Mackay (980 km,15小時車程,大堡礁之中心,咸美頓島)
Brisbane -Townsville (1,400 km,20小時車程,大堡礁著名Whitsunday之島嶼群)
沿 Freeway No.1 北上,量力而為,二人以上輪流駕駛,安全第一,切勿超速,
如不欲駕車走回頭路,可在以上任何一城市還車,乘火車返回 Gold Coast。
如是自已車,最遠去到 Mackay 算了。

2009-07-03 14:12:49 補充:
Surely you both can take public transport for travelling including train, bus, coach, plane , taxi,whatever you prefer,it depends on your budget and itinerary. By the way, another option is to join the local tour (参加當地旅行團,長短綫都有,免却煩惱)。

2009-07-03 14:16:57 補充:
If you consider my suggestion is to distant for you, you may go Brisbane and her nearby vicinity such as Sunshine Coast and Barbie Island, they are nice places too !

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