移民美國 升學問題

2009-07-01 4:53 am
我阿媽家姐 申請我全家去usa移民
香港領事館寄左信黎 叫我地今個月interview
我想問距離發簽証 正式走得要幾耐?

另外我最關心係 我去到果邊點升學
今日岩岩放榜 考得好差
(全部都pass 唔知過到去有無幫助)
係咪過到去 要考d試先可以 升大學?
我拎左綠卡 係咪以美國居民 接受教育?

回答 (4)

2009-07-01 6:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
我想問距離發簽証 正式走得要幾耐?

If everything is A-OK, you should get your visa within 2 months
That is, if your interview is A-OK

另外我最關心係 我去到果邊點升學
今日岩岩放榜 考得好差
(全部都pass 唔知過到去有無幫助)

Are you going to US to do High School or Going for University, cos you are not doing good enough for University......

About High School, they are the same, depend on if you can catch up or not.

係咪過到去 要考d試先可以 升大學?

Did you done the HKAL Examination or did you have a diploma? If not, you need either CC, Junior College or SAT to get into University

我拎左綠卡 係咪以美國居民 接受教育?

Permanent Resident are counted as Local student, BUT.........

As tax supported the US Education system, you will not be counted as Local student until 1 FY have passed. Some State even require you or your parent to pay tax to enjoy local student treatment.


Assume you all done the Middle School Stuff

There are 4 way to get into US University

1.) SATs - This is equivent to HKAL examination, you test on 3 or 4 subject and get a total score instead of a individual one. The university will look at your total (and sometime individual score) score and take you on as a Freshman (year 1)

2.) GED -> Individual Achievement Test - This way is extremely low intake way to get to university. If you did not finish nor have a high school certificate, you can take a GED to replace that. GED is a 5 subject test based on 800 scoring system. After GED, you can enrol into Univeristy given you have pass their own entry test. You will get in Freshman as an Adult Student.

3.) CC/Junior College - Enrolled in to any Community College program and get direly transfer to sophomore year (2nd year) CC/Jnr College usually last for 2 years and have an easier way to enter than normal University.

4.) Internationally regonised result - Get an internationally regonise result, such as HKALl, GCE(A-Level) or UAI and have their score weight against the university admission score.

2009-06-30 22:04:20 補充:
Fee structure :

High School is free of charge to US Citizens and Permanent Resident. However, there are small charge you should know, such as activities fee and field trip fee you are payable.

2009-06-30 22:04:54 補充:
University is run on local or outsider system. Local mean you are a local resident to the state. Outside mean you are a usually resident to another state(Different hometown) and study in another state.

2009-06-30 22:06:38 補充:
Since you are getting Green Card, i will not discuss international fee....

Local Student enjoy discounted fee only (No free Ride) and you can study in an universit for as low as 550 USD per subject.

Outsider Fee is a bit expersive, it range from 3 to 4 times local fee depend on state to state.

2009-06-30 22:07:38 補充:
For people who cannot afford student fee in university, there are scheme for both state government and federal government assistance to get, ask your local school for more detail.
2009-07-02 2:02 pm
if you passed the interview, you should start packing stuff. that fast!
you are too later to apply college this year. but you may try the spring semaster ( but not many collegs will like to accept spring student ).
you have to take SAT and / or ACT test before you apply the school.
so i suggest you take those SAT / ACT special trainning class in this time so you can get better grade. ( tests can be re- takes many times ). better the scores, better the chance to go in better college.
by the time you go to college next year, your state you live in will treat you as their resident. you can enjoy all benefit state can provide.. Federal financal aids.....etc.
today, the college in USA is very hard in study. there are a lots of home works, reports, papers, labs to do.... not easy at all.

2009-07-01 4:09 pm
1. Immigrant Visa is issued instantly due to its special nature. Therefore, you can leave as soon as your pass your interview.

2. I assume you are a candidate of A-level.

In your case, not necessary to take any test prior your departure because in 95% of chance, you will end up in community college.

In community college, although they only offer Associate Degree, but unlike Hong Kong, the community college system are way better than Hong Kong because community has transfer program for 4-year university.

In term of the fee, you will be considered as a out-of-state student until 1 year of residency or longer, depending on the college requirement. However, financial aids are still available to assist your education cost.

The most important for you now is to think what do you want to study.

And if you can, tell us more where are you going to exactly in the United States, so that I can explain more.
2009-07-01 5:09 am
有得Interview, 一般一年內能起行,

去到美國, 有免費英文班俾新移民
及睇你住邊度! 係唐人區住, 你想英文好就難o的!
如你係美國人住區, 返美國學校, 英文進度會好快!
只要你唔好驚, 唔怕講錯!(講錯人地會矯正你,咁你咪識得快)

你今日放榜,即高考畢業, 可試考大學, 睇下有邊間收你!
係美國入大學係計學分, 佢地知香港o的分數點計!
唔夠分可報讀預科(PRE University) 去追返o的分或讀副學士
讀夠分可跳去讀大二! 你可去香港o的學校介紹所問下美國學制.
移民同非移民的分別在學費. 非移民會貴好多!

美國讀大學無香港咁死, 易好多!

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