簡單地CHEAK 一句文法

2009-07-01 1:12 am
do you still remember jou in church?


回答 (3)

2009-07-10 1:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
Should say :

Do you still remember the Joe in the church?

Reason : There are many guys named Joe. If you want to be specific, you must use the article THE to point him out.

However, you are not wrong if you just say :

Do you still remember Joe in the church?
2009-07-01 1:35 am
do you still remember joe who is in the church?
2009-07-01 1:28 am

Do you still remember Joe we met in church last time?
你还记得上一次我们在教堂里遇见的 Joe 吗?

希望能帮到你咯。。。: )

2009-06-30 17:52:14 補充:
哎呀,是的,谢谢 sarahu84 的提醒,我写少了一个冠词 (article) — 那就是 the 了,因为大家都已经知道讲着的哪一间教堂了,所以之前正确的句子应该是。。。

Do you still remember Joe (who / that) we met in the church last time?


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