NBA Live 07 D Modes ~

2009-06-30 11:42 pm
我今個暑假原本想回舊一下NBA LIVE 07, 想玩 Dynasty mode, Season 和 Playoffs, 但係一時之間忘記點玩,一 click入去就只有 "New" 和 "Load" 的 BUTTON, 我試了 New 又 試了 "Load", 開了+Load了File,但係發現好像沒有發生, 係咪要JOIN NBA LIVE ONLINE? 點先unlock 到AWARDS? PLS 教教我呀pls!

* 2009-06-30 09:10:30 補充

其實點先玩到D modes ga?

回答 (2)

2009-07-01 12:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
How to play D modes?
1. You have to select New or Load.
New - New Dynasty
Load - You have already saved and reload it.
2. Then, you pick a team. i.e. LA Lakers.
you can select draft by yourself or the team set by computer.
i.e. by computer you get Kobe, by yourself you may not get kobe.
It depends on your draft rank.
So you pick the people you want by youself.
After you draft, the game begins:
You have to hire the coach and start the training camp.
Then, You will see the following selections:
- NEXT GAME:進行下一場比賽
- Dynasty Development:王朝發展(就是請教練、購買飛機、訓練隊員等內容)
- Roster Management:包括球員名單、轉會、修改球員等內容
- Settings:設置
- GM’s Desk:包括資料統計、各種資訊
- Begin Playoffs:開始季後賽(這個選項在打完常規賽之後才會被啟動)
- Load/Save:讀取/存檔

Then you can start to play the next game or you can go to the roster management for edit the lineup.
Do not forget to save after every game.
Enjoy the game.
2009-07-01 8:27 am
So is it really a coach to hire? I can't see him, can you teach me?

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