Dear seller, My name is beckley Rose From ca USA,I am interested in Buying your item which i saw on Yahoo Auction. I will like to pay HKD 1900 for the item and I will make my payments via Online Bank to Bank Transfer which is reliable and secured and i will require EMS SPEEDPOST for the shipment I will only need your bank account information so as for me to make the payment through Bank Transfer. .
險些被騙!但因在知識+ 中找到相關資料才知道她是騙子,避過一劫!!但現在又有另一個外國買家SD 了email 說要購買36件我的其中一個貨品,但沒有在拍賣頁問問題,不知是否另一宗騙局,內容如下:
I, m Mrs. Betty Smith from London, England, I would like to know the final cost of items including the shipping cost. How much is the total cost of 3 Dozen(36 pieces)? I will wait your reply with all details and total cost of the item + postage airmail via Post Thank you and God bless.
Mrs Betty Smith.
WONDERFUL: 謝謝你的回答!但我想知道的是第二段的外國買家Betty是否同是騙子?
謝謝兩位的回答~因mcfrogleg20 的建議,令騙徒現形! 這個Betty亦是騙子~她給了我以下的回覆: Hi, Thanks for your reply. I am ready to make an instant offer of HKD 5000 for the items including the
shipping cost EMS Speed post due to the urgent needed for item for my son who will take his flight tomorrow night for a project on
I will send the money through bank to bank money transfer, and I want you to quickly return to me with the necessary information for payment as follows: Account Name: Bank Name: Bank Address: Bank account No: Country: Tel:
Payment will be made immediate receipt of Information for Payment. Here is the shipping address below: Name: Dennis Williams Address: 27 street Gbadebo Mokola, City: Ibadan State: Oyo State Postal Code: 20001 Country: Nigeria
I hope that you understand and expect to hear from you soon. Thank you and God bless. Regards 謝謝兩位的意見令我避開一劫,謝謝! 除此,亦請各位Yahoo 拍賣的賣家小心這些人!以免被騙!!