sentence difference

2009-06-30 4:47 am
"He transforms his appearance."

"He alter his appearance."

is there any difference between them? if yes,

what are the differences between them?

"He transforms his appearance." "He alters his appearance." is there any difference between them? if yes, what are the differences between them? i mean what is the meaning's difference?

回答 (4)

2009-06-30 6:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"He transforms his appearance." and "He alters his appearance."
There are three main differences:
(1) "He transforms his appearance" means [he changes his appearance into something that looks completely or substantially different from before]; "He alters his appearance" means [he changes his appearance] 。
(2) "transforms" means a change in "look" alone, or both in "look" and in "form", such as transforms from human into a ghost, or a monster, a bird, etc.;"alters" only means a change in "look", such as changing the appearance to look older, younger, or look like somebody else, or even from a woman to a man etc., but still remains human.
(3) "Transforms" usually involves either a change via natural growth, magical or spiritual power. "Alters" usually involves disguises, cosmetic changes, or surgical changes.

2009-06-30 9:22 pm

Of course, there is a big difference between them.
The first one is grammatically correct but the second one is not
An "s" should be added after 'alter'.
參考: 小弟愚見,僅供參考。如有錯漏,敬請原諒。˙ˇ˙

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