高手請進(Q.6) Translation

2009-06-29 10:23 pm
她問: 「我今天穿著這一襲橙色緞裙, 好看嗎?」
他呆了一會兒, 答道: 「漂亮極了, 簡直是沉魚落雁 !」
她生氣說:「你竟敢取笑我是一尾金魚, 又當我是被獵人打下來的一隻雁 ! 」
他立即道歉, 說: 「我今天穿著的襯衫也是橙色的。你看, 這裏不正是有一對金魚在游來游去嗎 ? 」

回答 (3)

2009-06-30 8:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"Do I look good in this orange silk dress?" she asked.
It took him a while to answer, "sure, you look great! Like the Chinese saying that goes "makes the goldfish and bird sink'".
"You dare to compare me with a goldfish and treat me as the birds gunned down by hunters?" she replied bluntly.
He apologised right away, "you see, I am also wearing an orange shirt today. Here, a pair of goldfishes swimming around, right?"
參考: me
2009-06-30 9:38 pm


2009-06-29 11:48 pm

她問: 「我今天穿著這一襲橙色緞裙, 好看嗎?」
She asks, "I wear this orange satin dress today, does it look beautiful?"
緞 = satin + 裙 = dress
他呆了一會兒, 答道: 「漂亮極了, 簡直是沉魚落雁 !」
He freezes awhile and says, "very beautiful, make the fish sinks and the goose falls down!"
呆了 = freeze + 一會兒 = awhile
沉魚落雁 = the fish sinks and the goose falls down(照字面解)
她生氣說:「你竟敢取笑我是一尾金魚, 又當我是被獵人打下來的一隻雁 ! 」
She is angry and says, "You laugh at me and say that I am a goldfish, and you think that I am a goose who hunt by the hunter!"
他立即道歉, 說: 「我今天穿著的襯衫也是橙色的。你看, 這裏不正是有一對金魚在游來游去嗎 ? 」
He apologises immediately and says, "I also wear the orange shirt. You see, aren't there a pair of fish swimming there?"

It's may not be 100% correct and hope that this translation can help you.

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