堅持到底的英文是什麼 ?

2009-06-29 10:17 pm
1. 堅持到底

2. 這邊下車

請翻譯做英文, please.

回答 (9)

2009-06-30 12:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 堅持到底

Keep striving till I succeed!
Stick to what I believe in and do my very best till I shed the last drop of my blood!
Do my best to achieve my goal(s) till the very end!

2. 這邊下車
Alight this way
get off this way
This way, please! You guys may get off the bus/van here.

2009-07-04 2:24 am
1. Persist in the end

2. Here and get off
2009-06-30 9:38 pm


2009-06-30 2:36 am
1. persist till the end
2. get off / get down on this side
- get off 係用於私家車/的士
- get down 係用於 巴士 同大型車輛...
2009-06-29 10:28 pm
Never give up
Get off on this side

*Hope I can help you! >U<*
參考: me
2009-06-29 10:27 pm
1. 堅持到底
to stand out a crisis 或 persistently 或 consistantly 或 to stick to one's guns
2. 這邊下車
to alight here
2009-06-29 10:24 pm

堅持到底的英文是什麼 ?

1. 堅持到底
to stick it out; to go through with it;

2. 這邊下車
got off this way
2009-06-29 10:23 pm
1. hold on to the end

2. get off through this side
2009-06-29 10:21 pm
堅持到底=keep up to the end

這邊下車=get off on this side


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