有關填IMM5540的問題 (20點)

2009-06-29 8:02 am
IMM5540 Sponsor Questionnaire form內Page 2的Q9:
「Are you a naturalized Canadian or permanent resident of Canada?」
我已是citizen,所以選"Yes"。但佢要我填「On what date did you become a permanent resident?」同「Which Canadian visa office issued your immigrant visa or confirmation of permanent residence」時,我發覺自己只得番張Record of Landing,而張Confirmation of Permanent Residence就搵唔返。

想問如果我在上述兩條問題喥,分別填上張Land紙的Date issued日子及Office of issue的地方名,可以嗎?還是填上我成為citizen的日子及"N/A"?

有無可能請領事館去幫我查返張Confirmation of Permanent Residence的資料?

回答 (1)

2009-06-29 12:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1)Indicate whether you are a citizen or a permanent resident of Canada. If you are a naturalized Canadian (i.e., you came to Canada as a permanent resident and were later granted Canadian citizenship), write the date you became a Canadian citizen. If you are a permanent resident, write the date you became a permanent resident of Canada. The date is found in Box 45 of your Immigrant Visa and Record of Landing (IMM 1000) or of your Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292).

Indicate if you are a Canadian citizen and if your claim to citizenship is by descent (example: you were born outside Canada to a parent who was Canadian at the time of your birth or adopted outside Canada by a Canadian parent and obtained citizenship through he adoption provision of the Citizenship Act).

2)If you are a naturalized Canadian citizen and no longer have your Immigrant Visa and Record of Landing (IMM 1000) or Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292), print the name you used at the time you became a permanent resident.

還有,我Review返你之前的Yahoo詢問,看到你,及你的家人都住在香港,但是我看到以下的一條 Q & A:

If I live outside Canada, can I sponsor?

If you are not a Canadian citizen, you cannot sponsor if you live outside Canada.If you are a Canadian citizen, you may sponsor a spouse, a common-law or conjugal partner, or a dependent child who has no dependent child of his or her own. You must live in Canada when the sponsored person becomes a permanent resident.

2009-06-29 05:36:19 補充:
send 了 e-mail 給你!

2009-07-01 09:10:48 補充:

根據第一段內容,即是說,移民局認為The date is found in Box 45 of your (IMM 1000) is the date you became a permanent resident of Canada.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:49:40
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