The REAL Vancouver Information?

2009-06-28 6:44 pm
I live in New England now, and later in my life I am planning on moving to Vancouver, Canada. I was wondering if anyone has done that before and how I should approach it. Should I be come a Canadian Citizen, and is that difficult? Is it possible to be a citizen to America AND Canada? Tell me anything you know. And also for those Vancouver people, do you like living there? Tell me all the cool info!
I really want to know about Vancouver and how to move there and how that worked out for people, from the REAL people of Vancouver, instead of some travel agency and websites. Thank you!

回答 (4)

2009-06-30 4:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Vancouver is one of those cities that has a multicultural blend. We have people from all sorts of cultures, and have many different fascinating sites that are worth looking at too, that have been created by people from these cultures.

The weather tends to be quite tempermental. There are some years where we get both warm and cold weather, and then some years where we only see cold weather, and then some years that we only see warm weather. We also have 4 distinct seasons, whereas some of the areas only have 2 seasons.

As for your question regarding whether it is possible to have a dual citizenship, yes this is possible, but you will have to check for sure with the citizenship department. As for the citizenship in Canada, it takes about 3+ years before you're able to qualify for citizenship, and you will have to pass this test that will prove that you know different things to do with Canadian History etc. That is a link of the test that will be able to help you prepare fora that test.

Hope that this helps you.
參考: Live in Vancouver all my life
2009-06-29 10:43 am
Vancouver is one of the best places to live - weather, environment, etc. There's so much to do in Vancouver if you love outdoors. The cost of living in Vancouver though is highest in all Canada - housing is more expensive here than in Toronto or Montreal. But compared with the hot summers and cold winters of the east coast, Vancouver is the best.

The only problem though is, if you love to travel (ie. short distance or road trips, there isn't much places to go on the west coast, compared to the east where so many cities are so close. Victoria is 1.5 hours ferry ride away, Seattle is 2-3 hrs. driving away and then Calgary is 12-14 hours driving away...)

One problem of being both an American and Canadian citizen is taxes. Being a citizen of both countries you might be subject to pay both's countries taxes. That's one of the main reasons why many people decide to give up citizenship of one country.

To move to Vancouver, you'd have to apply for immigration.
2009-06-29 2:02 am
If you are moving to Canada, you should be aware of the income tax issues but you don't have to be a citizen.

You'll need a visa to work there and if you are in Vancouver stay away from Hastings St downtown.

For the citizenship info see:
2009-06-29 11:08 am
Vancouver is great : climate people etc Medicare for all If you like the out doors start packing Go to hellobc for free travel info. You will need a work permit to work here
參考: Lived here 70 years

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