What is a Tesla (unit)?

2009-06-28 2:44 pm
I have AS level physics, but no more than that, so please don't be too complex.

回答 (10)

2009-06-28 3:00 pm
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It's a measurement of magnetic flux density, i.e., the strength of a magnetic field. Atesla equal one Weber per square meter. Because the Tesla is such a large unit, we typically use the Gauss instead (1/10.000 Tesla).A Tesla

A Weber is a unit of magnetic flux in the International System of Units (SI), defined as the amount of flux that, linking an electrical circuit of one turn (one loop of wire), produces in it an electromotive force of one volt as the flux is reduced to zero at a uniform rate in one second. It was named in honour of the 19th-century German physicist Wilhelm Eduard Weber and equals 108 maxwells, the unit used in the centimetre–gram–second system

For more info, see:


P.S. (x + y)(x - y) = x² - y², not x² + y² and 0 = 0 Big surprise!
2009-06-28 2:47 pm
Tesla measures magnetic flux density
2016-10-06 8:37 pm
Tesla Unit
2016-03-17 10:57 am
magnetic induction B = F / q v , so its units are ---- newton / coulomb x m/sec = N-sec / C -m are the SI units for Tesla.
2016-02-17 9:28 am
The tesla (symbol T) is a unit of measurement of the strength of the magnetic field. It is a derived unit of the International System of Units, the modern form of the ...
Unit system‎: ‎SI derived unit In SI base units‎: ‎kg⋅s-2⋅A-1
Unit of‎: ‎Magnetic field strength

2015-08-19 9:24 pm
This Site Might Help You.

What is a Tesla (unit)?
I have AS level physics, but no more than that, so please don't be too complex.
參考: tesla unit: https://shortly.im/E7vCo
2009-06-30 10:56 am
Do you know what B and H are, in the context of magnetism?

In SI units, magnetic field strength H is measured in units of A/m (amperes per metre) and magnetic flux density B is measured in units of T (tesla).

So if you plot the hysteresis loop of a ferromagnetic material, the x-axis will be H [A/m] and the y-axis will be B [T].
2009-06-28 7:07 pm
Tesla (the unit) is a measurement of Magnetic flux density. (which is the amount of flux per metre squared)

In equations, Magnetic Flux density is given the letter B to represent it. E.g. F=Bqv where F=Force B=Flux density, q= charge and v=velocity (NOT Voltage!)

This was in my A2 course, not my AS.....must have changed it for the new syllabus!
2009-06-28 2:51 pm
The Tesla is a measure of the concentration of magnetic field lines within 1 square meter.
1 Telsa unit is 10,000 gauss.
1 gauss ≡ 1 Mx/cm2

The Tesla Unit measures the concentration of a magnetic field, the number of field lines per square meter. One Tesla Unit is large, equal to 10,000 gauss - a unit used in the "cgs" system of measure.


The tesla (symbol T) is the SI derived unit of magnetic flux density (which is also known as "magnetic field strength" and "magnetic induction"). (Commonly, the symbol B is used for magnetic flux density, but this is not necessarily true.) One tesla is equal to one weber per square meter, and it was defined in 1960[1] in honor of the Serbian-American inventor, physicist, and electrical engineer Nikola Tesla. One billionth of a tesla is a nanotesla, equivalent to 0.01 mG or 0.01 milligauss, and it is in nanoteslas that common metric home measurements are made to determine local magnetic field levels.


In physics, the weber (symbol: Wb; pronounced /ˈveɪbər/ or /ˈwiːbər/) is the SI unit of magnetic flux. It is named after the German physicist Wilhelm Eduard Weber (1804 – 1891).


The gauss, abbreviated as G, is the cgs unit of measurement of a magnetic field B (which is also known as the "magnetic flux density", or the "magnetic induction"), named after the German mathematician and physicist Carl Friedrich Gauss. One gauss is defined as one maxwell per square centimeter.

2009-06-28 2:48 pm
Magnetism is measured in Tesla, for instance the magnet used in an MRI scanner is on average 1.5 tesla. which is about 25,000 times stronger than the earth's magnetic field.

Tesla himself was an electrical and mechanical engineer and an ethnic Serb who died in 1943.

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