art uni in england

2009-06-29 7:47 am
i was wonder in both Hk and Uk's eyes which is the best art uni?
any suggrestion of an art unithats around average or above?
it could be for fashion journalism , advertisement , fashion, toy/product design or teaching.

回答 (1)

2009-06-30 7:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]
1) 你可以上去times 果個ranking table 睇一睇既, 你可以搵art 同design 架=] 不過呢, 呢一個只可以係一個參考, 因為呢, 好多時年年既ranking都會轉得好勁架...
見到呢, UCL都好出名既... 如果係讀fasion journalism 呢, 可以諗一諗london sku of fashion, 係hk都係好峴名既, 我個fd都有apply, 佢要pass 幾個test先得架, 好似有interview< 同written exam既... 而呢一間讀fashion都係好好既... 而呢, 你可以揀central st. martin london, 都係好好架=]
而product design, 你可以揀southampton既winchester sku of art, 都可以揀nottingham trent 同reading, 呢一d 讀呢一科都係好出名既係英國, 而hk呢, central st. martin會好一d..
而teaching 呢.. brunel 都係ok既, 而家有fd係入面讀緊=] 不過因為呢一科係hk唔會話好common, 所以如果係外國讀, suggest你揀overall ranking 高一d既學校既=]
希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]

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