高手請進(Q.5) Translation

2009-06-29 12:16 am
某個下雨的晚上, 倆伙子站在郊外露天巴士站候車, 女生臉上雨淚縱橫, 男生把雨傘遞過去, 對她說:「值得讓你流淚的人不會讓你哭泣。」

回答 (5)

2009-06-29 7:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
某個下雨的晚上, 倆伙子站在郊外露天巴士站候車, 女生臉上雨淚縱橫, 男生把雨傘遞過去, 對她說:「值得讓你流淚的人不會讓你哭泣。」

At one rainy night, a boy and a girl were waiting at an unsheltered bus stop in the suburb.

Noting that the girl’s face was wet with rain and tears, the boy passed over his umbrella to the girl and said, “ The one who worth your tears would not let you cry!”

2009-06-29 13:39:32 補充:
Correction on last sentence:

Anyone who worth your tears would not let you cry!
參考: Myself
2009-06-30 5:56 pm
askgogo <------- just a fake ID here!

If you are jobless, you should do your best to look for one.

What you have been doing around here will only make you a dang twerp!
2009-06-30 1:31 am
askgogo 請你尊重 這個 "愛情故事" !

以文會友 可留步,

耀武樹敵 請你走 !!!
2009-06-29 6:38 pm


2009-06-29 3:08 am
On a rainy night, two people were waiting for a bus at a open-air bus-stop. One of them, a girl, was crying. The other, a guy, pass the umbrella he was holding to her. He then said to the girl, "the one who is worthwhile of your tears would not make you cry."

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