係美國結左婚, 係HK再結多次....重婚問題!!

2009-06-29 12:03 am
同一對配偶如果係美國結左婚, 可唔可以係香港再結多次?


注意: 同一對配偶

回答 (5)

2009-06-29 11:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
單純以"重婚"定義嚟講, 如果你喺美國註冊係合法夫妻, 而喺香港再結一次, 咁係唔算重婚. 因為香港法例第 212 章 "侵害人身罪條例", 第 45 條, 標題 "重婚" 入面,

相關法例請參考: http://www.legislation.gov.hk/blis_ind.nsf/6033A8CC1F220686482564840019D2F2/B0C3FEC14FA48C3C8825648C0004F260?OpenDocument
以上重點係"另一人", 同你嘅 case 同一配偶係無抵觸, 所以唔構成重婚. 而香港政府同美國政府亦無引渡條例係同重婚有關
不過問題係你填寫婚姻註冊申請時, 會唔會造成"虛報資料". 喺香港婚姻登記需要填寫入境處 MR21b 表格. 表格中第3部份 "申請人資料" 中, 需填寫 "婚姻狀況", 而欄中並無 "已婚" 選擇. 當然如果你好似上面 002 嗰位話喺美國先離婚, 之後喺呢份表上寫 Divorced 係可以咁做, 但你地之後嘅任何紀錄填寫都會變成複雜化, 亦會帶嚟可疑.
我建議你想清楚需唔需要喺香港再註冊先決定點做. 如果只係儀式上, 咁補辦喜酒就得. 因為香港係認同喺美國註冊嘅婚姻為有效 (and vice versa). 如果必要有香港結婚証書, 咁你最好就係打去 2824 6111 婚姻登記事務及紀錄辦事處問清楚.
Form MR21b: http://www.immd.gov.hk/pdforms/mr21b.pdf

2009-06-29 15:32:59 補充:
已代為查詢 (因看過你之前發問紀錄, 得知你未必方便可以打長途查詢, 而且等了約十分鐘!). 熱線內吳小姐話你呢個case 係做唔到, 因為你美國註冊嘅婚姻仍然有效. 而我亦都問過係咪如果你地喺上面唔寫已婚算唔算虛報資料, 佢亦話算.

2009-06-30 09:13:08 補充:
以上各位所講嘅"單身紙", 應該係指 MR35 form嘅無結婚紀錄証明書申請書吧!
但此項服務資料由申請人(香港居民)提供, 而且只限於香港本地內嘅結婚資料. 如果有人喺外國已經結婚, 但故意虛報資料喺香港攞單身紙, 都係攞到喎! 因為呢項服務只限於查實申請人有冇喺香港結過婚, 非全球性.
再攞個譬喻. 有人喺 6月1日攞到單身紙, 並排期三個月後9月1日於香港結婚. 但呢段時間之間呢個人喺 Las Vegas 閃電結婚. 咁樣的確係查實唔到嘅.

2009-06-30 10:23:55 補充:
因為睇完 MR35 之後, 表內個人資料需填寫 "你曾否在香港登記結婚", 下一欄就填寫 "現時婚姻狀況". 到第二頁 "說明事項" 中第三條標明 "注意事項: 若你在香港已有結婚紀錄, 你將不獲發給無結婚紀錄証明書". 字面上看, 係單純以香港所發生的紀錄而已.

如本人有誤解, 請上面各位指引, 歡迎討論.

2009-07-01 16:45:21 補充:
我只可以答, 如果你真係咁樣成功喺香港註冊到, 以你嘅case, 唔係重婚 (Bigamy), 但你至少係犯咗虛報資料同發假誓(視乎程序)嘅罪名.

重婚係伴侶提出離婚理由同通姦嘅起訴, 你夫婦呢個case 唔存在. 但虛報資料你就係欺詐.

所以你兩夫婦真係要諗清楚 What do you want 同 What actually do you need, 從詳計議.

2009-07-02 09:39:34 補充:
如果要咬文嚼字的話 -- 如當事人喺外國結婚註冊, 但無向香港政府 (人民入境事務處) 申報, 如喺身份證嘅 record 加番呢D資料, 即係話, 香港都冇呢樣紀錄.
2009-06-30 2:50 pm
j_hungary002 所說正確.

2009-06-30 1:50 am
mr. j_hungary is correct.
you need to be single / divorced / widowed before you can get married in hk. if you are already married in the us, even to the same person, then you are not single and by law you cannot get married in hk.
2009-06-29 5:44 pm
同一對配偶如果係美國結左婚, 可唔可以係香港再結多次?

Actually, you cannot get married in HK officially to the same person......unless you only talk about ceremonly without actually signing the piece of paper in marriage registry.

Officially, you already have a marriage record then you cannot apply permission to get married in HK (Also known as single status paper) even if you get married to the same person, you still cannot get those paper as you already been married once.

The reason on this is, well, simply they do not know if that person is the same person or a different person with same name and date of birth. You don't do fingerprint in wedding registry, so the ID of the other part is not covered and you cannot get married to the same person twice officially without a divorce.
However, if you do not go as far to register in the Birth, Death and Marriage, you simply want a banquet held in HK or whatever you want to do, that's totally ok, just not sign the paper again in HK (Unless the marriage in US does not get into permanent record)

If you want to get married officially again in HK, you need to go back to US and file for a petition of dessolve of marriage (aka, get a divorce) then you can get married again in HK.

2009-06-29 14:48:40 補充:
First, the answer above confused two things, polygamist and double marriages

You can be a polygamist while you only married once and bing polygamist does not necessily affect you getting single status paper (單身紙) and Marriage Certificate

2009-06-29 14:49:38 補充:
Notice that there are no ACTUAL LAW Againt polygamist IF HE ONLY MARRIED ONCE. but you can be charged with fraud if you get married more than once.

2009-06-29 14:50:49 補充:
The law clearly state that if you intent to get married in HK you need an inpediment of no current marriage(s) [Single Paper (單身紙)] and if you have already married, YOU CANNOT GET Single Paper. Is that simple.

2009-06-29 14:52:25 補充:
If you do not have single paper, you cannot get married anywhere in HK. They do not care if you are marrying the same person or not.

2009-06-29 15:01:13 補充:
If you still have question, you can read this form





2009-06-30 09:49:55 補充:
now, look, many people said many things.....

If your question are simply can or can you, without regarding any moral nor legal obligation, then for short, YOU CAN.

Cos you can always lie in the application.

2009-06-30 09:51:20 補充:
All my opinion is on official stance.

And officially, you cannot get married more than once without a divorce or death certificate. This part is what the law says and this is what i say (Does that mean i am the law? Haha.)

2009-06-30 09:52:49 補充:
To be honest, they won't go too deep in wedding registry so chances are you can get away with lying.

But if you get caught for some reason, you will be in a helluva shxthole.

You can do it do es not always mean that is legal to do so, remember that...

2009-06-30 09:57:48 補充:
Personally, i do not think yahoo is a place to peach using illegal way to get stuff...

So i would just answer people with question in offical channel but not back door way....

2009-07-02 07:11:15 補充:
注意事項: 若你在香港已有結婚紀錄, 你將不獲發給無結婚紀錄証明書

I don't think they only meant HK's record, cos if they only meant HK record, they would say something like this


2009-07-02 07:12:33 補充:
The fact that the requirment does not mention any or whom's record, suggest that mean all record. All record mean local or overseas...

2009-07-02 07:36:18 補充:
注意事項: 若你在香港已有結婚紀錄, 你將不獲發給無結婚紀錄証明書

I don't think they only meant HK's record, cos if they only meant HK record, they would say something like this

2009-06-29 12:17 am
It is not considered polygamy as soon as husband and wife are the same.

2009-06-29 14:26:55 補充:
According to the Hong Kong Ordinance Chapter 212 Section 45, polygamy is defined as marriage with other when your original marriage remain effective.

2009-06-29 14:27:22 補充:
Therefore, the same husband marrying the same wife does not constitute to polygamy.

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