請問有緣再會既英文係咩?THANKS YOU

2009-06-28 9:14 pm


Thanks you!

回答 (4)

2009-06-29 5:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
My fellow classmates, fate will bring us to meet again someday.
有首英文歌叫”I'll remember you”,其中有句歌詞是:
I promise you I won't forget the times we shared, the tears we cried
You'll always be the sun in my sky
It may be fate that brings us back to meet again someday
Even though we go seprate ways

2009-06-29 8:12 pm
So long, until the day when our paths will cross again.
2009-06-29 1:12 am
Dear fellow classmates, we'll meet again sometime.
2009-06-28 10:52 pm
My fellow classmates, so long.

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