在澳洲留學時的 SUPERANNUATION, 離澳後如何取

2009-06-28 8:35 pm
小弟在澳洲留學時有打工, 回港已有幾年, 想起當時在澳洲打工都有交 強積金 (澳洲版), 現已離開澳洲, 有朋友知道可以如何申請取回嗎?

回答 (3)

2009-06-29 5:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
小弟在澳洲留學時有打工, 回港已有幾年, 想起當時在澳洲打工都有交 強積金 (澳洲版), 現已離開澳洲, 有朋友知道可以如何申請取回嗎?

Hope you still have an Australian Bank account which you use to open your MPF. Otherwise, big trouble....

1.) Contact your MPF Fund. Tell them you want to withdraw the fund based on you don't live in Australia anymore. Ask them to deposit it into your bank account.

2.) ASk your bank to transfer your bank account balance to HK, they will charge you money for it.

3.) Take the money out from HK Bank.

However, if you do not supply bank account when you open up a MPF acc or your bank accoutn have already been closed. Then you may need to go back to australia and claim it. Or, if you can solve the problem on the phone, you can, but chances are, you cannot not.....
2009-06-30 5:21 am
Thank you very much. That is very useful. Sorry that couldn't make your answer the best one.... cause I do not know how to use. This is my first time to ask question here.....

Thanks so much.
2009-06-29 9:17 pm

去以上的網址查,記著準備你的稅檔案號碼 (Tax File Number = TFN),用電郵聯絡便可。若此處查不到,可求助轉介,他們一定會幫到有結果的。這裏十分重視和妥善處理強積金流向,你都明啦。他們是很好人的,只要資料齊全,應不難辦,是你辛苦來的錢,要奮勇到底。


參考: 悉尼居民

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