Double prepositions?

2009-06-28 4:10 am
When I was bathing at home, I spotted the following notice on my water heater:

"This is a room sealed appliance and does not require fresh air for combustion from inside the room"

My question is in "from inside the room" there are 2 prepositions "from" and "inside", but I remember that one prepositonal phrase should only contain 1 prep and 1 prep object.

Am I correct? and how grammatical correct the senstance above is?

Thanks in advance

回答 (3)

2009-06-29 5:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
首先要說,你問題竟然出現了一個正確的用語”Double Preposition”
Double Preposition中文叫:二重介系詞。
所謂Double Prepositoin,同時用了二個介系詞,如:
A cat rushed out from under the bed,同時出現了from與under,這兩個介詞
但要留意的是under the bed乃是名詞片語,是from的受詞(注意:preposition的受詞,必定是名詞,動名詞,或名詞相等語)
如:We came from beyond the sea,beyond the sea(海的那一邊)是名詞片語,做from的受詞
同樣道理,from inside the room的inside the room也是名詞片語

2009-06-28 9:20 pm

2009-06-28 8:21 pm
Dear rabbit_cony,
I don't blame you for casting doubt if there is
any grammatical mistake in the notice on the water heater as I can
tell that you are a very seriuos student. It apppears to me that the
sentence in issue is grammatically correct. You seem to have
forgetten that the word ' inside' can be used as a noun, an adjective,
a preposition and an adverb. In this context, ' inside" is not used
as a preposition, " inside the room" is an adverbial phrase used as
the object to the preposition " from ". I truly hope my explanation
could be of a little help to you.
參考: my own English knowledge

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