
2009-06-28 4:00 am
經常都會談及嘅熱能-thermal energy,究竟熱喺咪直接能源,定係要經過轉化,如果以攝氏度計,要有幾多度先可以算係功率。我地知道蒸汽機係將熱能轉化為動能,水燒至一百度攝氏會沸騰產生蒸氣推動活塞同渦輪,姑勿論火燒溫度若干,前提係要有不低於一百度攝氏熱量先可以產生能量。

回答 (2)

2009-06-29 11:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實, 〝 "熱" 唔係能量〞!!! 哩點係必要知道GE.
點解咁多人都話 〝熱〞係能量? 因為高能量GE物體都會有較高溫度..... 所以D人就有誤解〝以為熱係能量〞...為方便學習, 好多時都會用 〝熱能〞黎形容唔同溫度GE物體的能量.
而唔同溫度GE物體係有唔同〝熱能〞, 而只有〝絕對零度〞(攝氏 零下273度) 先定意為無〝熱能〞

熱, 只係能量傳遞的方式. 只會係 〝2件或上唔同溫度的物體〞上發生.
好似煲水咁. 燃料 燃燒時釋放出黎的能量好高, 哩D咁高GE能量有好高溫度...佢利用〝熱〞方式, 將能量傳去 水煲之後再傳去 水度.....咁 水GE能量越黎越高, 所以 水的溫度都上升喇~~

第二你誤會左, 〝功率〞係指每單位時間內能量值, 係同時間有關.所以你問〝要有幾多度先可以算係功率〞哩個問題唔係幾岩.

唔理個D機械原理.......哩個描述大致都正確~~~〝前提係要有不低於一百度攝氏熱量先可以產生能量。〞 應該係 〝先可以傳遞能量到水中〞(前提係哩D能量係傳去水途中無散失, 即無比水煲吸收, 無比空氣吸收.....).

其實低過攝氏100度GE野, 都可以令到其他野沸騰.
例子: 係室溫下(通常指 攝氏25度), 液態氮(攝氏-2XX度) 都會好似水咁沸騰. 會有好多氣泡〝咕嚕咕嚕〞咁上升.....
所以 低於一百度攝氏GE野, 都係以 〝熱能〞表現出黎, 不過溫度低左, 你唔覺得佢熱啫~~~

哩個問題涉及好多野~~~首先地球地表係指 地殼以外GE地方. 其實, 地球一直都得到〝額外能量〞, 就係〝太陽能〞~~~ 但地球(包括其他星球)會將佢反射番去太空, 只係因為地球有一樣特別物質. 令地球有別其他星球, 就係 二氧化碳, 佢可以令〝太陽能〞無咁易離開地球...大致上係咁解..... 升溫就係〝額外能量〞GE表現. 溫度係能量嘛~~~

50度攝氏GE能量, 可以做到GE野唔會好多, 因為轉他過程會有好多能量散失=.=
要推動機械運動(轉為動能)有D難度~~~要視乎咩機械, 如果質量有番咁上下~~都幾難....
2009-06-29 4:38 am
Heat could only flow when there is a temperature difference. In order to extract heat energy, or use heat to perform work, a temperature difference must be maintained. This is what the Laws of Thermodynmaics tells us.
The steam turbine (steam engine) that you mentioned, in fact, utilizes the pressure of hot steam to perform mechanical work. In the process of doing work, the temperature of the steam drops (and the pressure decreases too). The difference in heat content of a given mass of steam has been turned into useful work.
As long as there is a temperature difference, you could extract heat to do work. It is not limited to steam, water at temperature below boiling point could also be used to obtain useful energy. An example is the use of a thermocouple with which electricity is produced by keeping the two ends of the thermocouple at two different temperatures.
Wind, which can be used to drive windmills generating electrical power, is the flowing of air because of pressure, and hence temperature, difference. Therefore, as long as there is a temperature difference in the air, heat energy from the air can be extracted to do work.
The warming of the earth is because of the global production of heat is higher than the loss of heat. There already exist mechanisms in nature to turn heat energy into other forms. The larger difference in temperatures between different places of the earth has given rise to various climatic changes that lead to more intense hurricans, the winds from which is a form of mechanical work.

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