You can study some universities directly, but not higher ranking universities like Group of Eight Universities. It depends also about your major subject which you want to study in university. Universities around 3 stars may be eligible.
You may not need to study Foundation. You could study Diploma course for around 8 months, after 8 months you could study Year of the associated universities.
Around 200, 000 (including tuition fees and living expenses)
You could rent a room for around AUD 100 a week, it depends on city and the district you live.
Sure. Around AUD 8- 10 per hour. You could work for 20 hours per week legally
Q5:如果去d cheap d既大學,返到來hk認授性大嗎?
All universities are accredited. Its only the reputation of different universities. I advise you to study in an university which is famous in the major subject which you study.
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