English Q&A...

2009-06-28 1:24 am
1.What is the chinese meaning of each other and one another?
2.When should I use each other or one another?
What is the chinese meaning of these words?.....
1.cooperative 2.experience 3.exhausted 4.miserable 5.terrified
6.purse 7.scolded 8.alley 9.confident 10.thrilled 11.grab(係咪拍手?) 12.shoulder 13.overjoyed 14.misunderstanding 15.create
16.educate 17.congratulate 18.encourage 19.spectators'stand
20.beloved 21.boarding 22.jot 23.shorten 24.route 25.sunblock
26.skate 27.snorkelling 28.tropical 29.muddled 30.ashamed
1.What is the chinese meaning of unless and if?
2.How to make sentence by unless and if?

盡量快一點! 我要在7月3日前用~ TTTTTTHHHHHHHHXHHXXXXXX!!!!我會非常感謝,感激你地!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (1)

2009-06-30 12:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.What is the chinese meaning of each other and one another?
Solution :
Each other --> 互相, 彼此
One another --> 互相, 彼此

2.When should I use each other or one another?
Solution :
I give you some example sentence and you may know it.
Each other :
Paul and Linda helped each other.
We write to each other regularly.
One another :
We help one another with the extra work in the summer.
We can listen to one another's records to know more about them.
Each other --> (used only as the object of a verb or preposition)
1.cooperative --> 合作情質的; 聯營的
2.experience --> 經驗
3.exhausted --> 極其疲倦的
4.miserable --> 悲慘的; 難受的; 不幸的; 可憐的
5.terrified --> 感到恐懼的

6.purse --> 錢包 / 噘嘴
7.scolded --> 罵, 責罵
8.alley --> 胡同, 小巷
9.confident --> 有信心的
10.thrilled --> 非常興奮的, 極為激動的
11.grab --> 搶, 抓
12.shoulder --> 胳膞
13.overjoyed-->極欣喜, 極高興
14.misunderstanding --> 誤知
15.create --> 創造; 創建; 創作
16.educate --> 教育
17.congratulate --> 恭喜
18.encourage --> 鼓勵
19.spectators'stand --> ?
20.beloved --> 深愛 / 心愛的人
21.boarding --> 木板
22.jot --> 極少量 / 抄下(jot something down)
23.shorten --> 減短
24.route --> 路線
25.sunblock --> 防曬油
26.skate --> 溜冰鞋 / 溜冰 / 鰩
27.snorkelling --> 戴潛水通氣管潛泳
28.tropical --> 熱帶的
29.muddled --> 糊塗的, 混亂的
30.ashamed --> 慚愧的
1.What is the chinese meaning of unless and if?
Solution :
unless --> if....not; except if or except when ( 如果...不)
if --> on condition that; supposing (假如, 要是)
2.How to make sentence by unless and if?
Solution :
unless :
You'll fail in French unless you work harder.
Unless England improve their game they're going to lose the match.
if :
I'll only stay if you offer me more money.
If you have finished eating you may leave the table.
參考: Dictionary + Me

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