
2009-06-28 1:18 am
He has been playing basketball for serveral years.
He has played basketball for serveral years.

回答 (3)

2009-06-28 4:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
In the sentence: "He has been playing basketball for serveral years."

Present perfect progressive tense is used, talking about a situation (ie: playing basketball) which started in the past are still going on.


In the sentence: "He has played basketball for serveral years."

Present perfect tense is employed, referring to a finished situation set in is connected with the present IN SOME WAYS.

But pay attention, the sentence doesn't definitely tell you "he" has played basketball TILL NOW although present perfect can be used in this way. For example:

"I've broken my leg so I can't go on holiday"

The sentence above tells the fact that "broken leg"(past) leads to "can't go on holiday"(present), hence, we'd use present perfect tense instead of simple past to talk a above "broken leg".

As I've mentioned, present perfect tense can also talk about how long present situations have lasted. So the sentence "He has played basketball for serveral years." can also be interpreted as he played basketball in the past and CONTINUTE to NOW.


There is a big difference between present perfect progressive and present perfect tense despite both can be used to talk about recent actions that have present results.

The former focuses on the action itself, looking at it as a CONTINUOUS, extented activity.
("He has been PLAYING basketball for several years.")

Whereas the latter focuses more at the ideas of COMPLETION.
("He has played basketball FOR SEVERAL YEARS.")
參考: Micheal Swan (2005). Practical english usage. Oxford University Press: Hong Kong.
2009-06-28 4:36 am
The first one means past, present and future is still playing basketball.

The second one means past and now has stopped to play basketball
參考: myself
2009-06-28 1:29 am
He has been playing basketball for (serveral?) years.
者係佢係已經開始打籃球係serveral years前 (依家仲玩緊)

He has played basketball for serveral years.
者係佢係已經打左籃球serveral years (依家已經冇打)

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