Add 1 3/8 + 4 3/4 + 2 1/6=?

2009-06-27 5:19 am
fractions question

回答 (8)

2009-06-27 5:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
change to 24ths
[33+114+52]/24 = 199/24 or 8 7/24
2009-06-27 3:14 pm
199 / 24
2009-06-27 10:41 am
1 3/8 + 4 3/4 + 2 1/6
= (1 + 4 + 2) + (3/8 + 3/4 + 1/6)
= 7 + [(3 x 3)/(8 x 3) + (3 x 6)/(4 x 6) + (1 x 4)/(6 x 4)]
= 7 + [9/24 + 18/24 + 4/24]
= 7 + 31/24
= 7 + (24 + 7)/24
= 7 + 24/24 + 7/24
= 7 + 1 + 7/24
= 8 7/24
2009-06-27 7:29 am
7 + 9/24 + 18/24 + 4/24

7 + 31/24

7 + 1 + 7/24

8 7/24
2009-06-27 5:37 am
1 9/24 + 4 18/24 + 2 4/24 = 7 31/24

reducing the improper fraction gives 8 7/24.
2009-06-27 5:28 am
8 7/24 or 8.29
2009-06-27 5:26 am
First, you need these fractions to all have a similar denominator (the lower number of the fraction).

The lowest common denominator of 8, 4, and 6 is 24 - because all of these numbers divide into it evenly (meaning you get a whole number).

So, we need to change the fractions -

We change 1 3/8 to 1 9/24, because we multiplied the denominator 8 by 3 to get 24, so we must do the same to the numerator, so 3 times 3 is 9

We change 4 3/4 to 4 18/24 because of the same reason above

We change 2 1/6 to 2 4/24 because of the same reason above

Now add:

1 9/24 + 4 18/24 + 2 4/24 = ?
Add the whole numbers, and then add the fractions to get 7 31/24, then reduce to 8 7/24
參考: 2nd year biology/chemistry undergrad
2009-06-27 5:24 am
199 / 24

good luck

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