Why can't I figure out simple Math questions in my head?

2009-06-26 9:26 am
I am 12 years old and I know that I suck at Math but the question 3x18 I wasn't sure if I was right or not. I know it is really weird because that is about the most simple question in the entire world. I know it's 52, but when I worked out the answer, I kept thinking that I was doing it wrong and had the wrong answer.
I can work out much harder questions much quicker than it took me to figure that one out. Can someone please tell me why this happened?
I have Asperger Syndrome as well, so I have learning troubles in general I think.
Please, no stupid answers.

I meant 54. I didn't try to work out the question for even half a second. I remembered 52 from at school today, that is how I remembered the question. I'm not that stupid.

回答 (8)

2009-06-26 9:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dont worry too much. Arithmetic was always my weakest subject. It still is. I can do complex calculus problems in my head... its all abstract concepts... manipulation of the symbols... but when I come across two numbers I still struggle. Algebra and up is all conceptual. Arithmetic is computational / algorithmic / procedural. Very different.
2009-06-26 12:01 pm
what about 3x20=60 then 20-18=2 and 2x3=6 so ans= 60-6 = 54 !
2009-06-26 10:37 am
3 x 18
= 54
2009-06-26 9:43 am
The answer should be 54.

Maybe your problem is you're sometimes a little bit careless...
2009-06-26 9:32 am
2009-06-26 9:31 am
3 x 18 = 54 not 52
2009-06-26 9:31 am
3 x 18 = 54 ... not 52 lol
2009-06-26 9:36 am

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