Australia Working Visa

2009-06-26 7:11 pm
本人o係HK studying top up drgree of austrilia ,想畢業後去Australia take 一個Temp 的
Working Visa ,請問知唔知有咩Requirement ?

回答 (2)

2009-06-27 6:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
本人o係HK studying top up drgree of austrilia ,想畢業後去Australia take 一個Temp 的 Working Visa ,請問知唔知有咩Requirement ?

How temporary? 1 year? 2 years or 5 years?

There are several way you can apply work visa

Skill Migration Visa - On shore or Offshore

You can apply skill migration visa if you have a approved skill and passed a test. You can work indefinite amount of time and stay indefinitely as you already have permenant residency

Skill Employment Visa

As long as you have an approved skill you can apply this if you have a sponsor, sponsor can be an state government or private company or even relative in OZ. The visa usually last for 2 years

You do not need to pass a point test and it can also lead to Permenant Residence if you choose to do so.

Temporary Employment Visa

You do not have a skill, but you have a sponsor. Again, sponsor can be state government (notice that Federal Government require all employee to have Permanent Residence). You can apply temporary work visa to work full time if you have an eligible sponsor only. This visa can last from 3 months to 4 eyars

Working holidaymaker Visa

this visa do not need sponsor nor point test, but they do have a quota, it can lead to 1 year of temporary fulltime work in Oz, but applicant
must be below 30 and above 18 to apply for such visa.
參考: wife used to work in IMMI - Australian Immigration
2013-04-02 10:34 pm
Formation and management of onshore and offshore companies and trusts to assist with tax planning and asset management including capital fund raising, etc
offshore company :

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