Hong Kong Identity Cards...Is mine renewable?

2009-06-26 2:14 am
I was wondering, I am over the age of 11, and need to renew my Hong Kong ID, but as not done so since I was 10... Can I still go back now to renew it? (I was born there...) And how many years do the Hong Kong Youth ID last? Must you renew it within the 30 days of turning 18? I do not live in HK... but I do want to go back this summer, I am terribly confused.

By the way, I am 16.

回答 (6)

2009-06-26 7:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
You indeed should have renewed it when you were 11. But if you were overseas all these years, they would not penalize you. You HKID should still allow you to enter HK, but once you entered HK you must renew before u leave.
2009-06-26 2:27 am
u mean u 16 now n u had a 10 yrs old ID? we should renew it at the age 11 & it last til ur age 18. anyway, penalty wil be charge if u r late but u can renew it of cos as u r HK resident. just give them some proves that u were out of HK all time til u back this summer.
2016-11-06 6:33 pm
- you may not use HKID card to trip to China. You shows your HKID once you exists HK border, yet to no longer the immigration once you enters China. - The "homestead return helps" are offical records issued to HK and Macau SAR China voters. you ought to use it to go into China as long because it is not any longer expired - supposely from any border - no longer too advantageous approximately Tibet. I used my homestead return enable for flight directly to Beijing. you do no longer could desire to apply it in combine with any passport, yet you desire your passport for the different part's border. - you're no longer taken care of as an Australian citizen in case you employ your "homestead return enable" to go into China - no distinction till you get into trouble that China can refuse the Australian consoler to contain as you're referred to as chinese language citizen. (you have duel citizenship as my son which you're able to be able to as properly be conscious for China HK SAR passport to trip in case you like.) - you may artwork in China without a working enable, yet there are some paper works in particular for tax purpose.
2009-07-02 3:17 pm
You must renew it when you're 18. After, you don't need to renew it anymore (i think) check HK gov. website for sure.
2009-06-27 9:42 pm
As long as you're born in Hong Kong, you can have yours renewed. Just explain to them why you havent done so in the last couple of years. The civil servants there are quite lenient and friendly, I dont believe they'll give you a hard time.
2009-06-26 9:32 am
If you missed the renewal date, just go to the ID issuing office and tell them you've been studying overseas this entire time and missed the renewal date. I never renewed mine until I was 21. The lady gave me a "disappointed" look but that was it.

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