SATA , SATA I 同 SATA II 有咩分別??

2009-06-26 6:54 am
電腦硬碟 SATA , SATA I 同 SATA II 有咩分別??
另外 . 它們的CABLE線是否一樣?

回答 (1)

2009-06-26 7:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
SATA is designed to be backwards and forwards compatible with future revisions of the SATA standard. Unfortunately, there are already documented incompatibilities between particular first-generation SATA-Ⅰ controllers and later-generation drives.

To address interoperability problems, some drive manufacturers have added a user-accessible jumper-switch, to select between SATA-Ⅰ and SATA-Ⅱ operation.

Users with a SATA-Ⅰ motherboard should either buy an ordinary SATA-Ⅰ hard disk, or buy a SATA-Ⅱ hard disk with the user-accessible jumper.
參考: WIKI

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