
2009-06-26 5:09 am

回答 (2)

2009-06-28 9:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案

振動的幅度愈大,就即是愈熱;動能可以生熱eg磨擦;化學可以生熱eg燃燒;電能可以生熱eg發熱線; 核能可以生熱 eg 核裂變或核聚變
2009-06-27 6:59 pm
Heat is manifested as the thermal (random) motion of moleucles. This is different from the periodic oscillation of molecules in which sound energy is conveyed from a layer of molecules to another. The thermal moiton of molecules is in a more random nature, as contrast to an orderly sequential vibrational manner of molecules in sound transmission.
Generally, the energy possessed by molecules in thermal motion is much much higher than that possessed in sound transmission.

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