Question about 去英國升學(a-level)

2009-06-26 4:02 am
我係最後一屆hkcee ge 學生

hkcee後去英國讀 a-level

我想問英國ge schools
會5會睇我中文校內試ge results????(因為好poor)

咁佢地會睇我咩科ge校內試 results???

我which month 要去see agent???

thz xddddd

回答 (3)

2009-06-27 3:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]
1) 我想問英國ge schools 會5會睇我中文校內試ge results????(因為好poor)
你俾左佢地睇先啦, 再唔係可以俾左個copy俾agent 先, 因為佢地都會想你既language既level係幾多既.. 但係佢地最主要係會睇番英文既exam, 因為呢,如果你既英文唔好, 佢地會覺得你handle 唔到個course架.."
2) 咁佢地會睇我咩科ge校內試 results???
我果時apply呢, 我俾哂所有俾佢地睇既就算係唔係a-level讀都好, 因為呢, 佢地咁先會知邊一d係勁, 同埋你overall既成績係點既, 所以呢, 最好就俾哂佢會好一d 既.... 點都好, 唔好乜都唔俾佢地, 因為咁樣, 佢地好難consider你呢...
3) 我which month 要去see agent???
你要去英國前既9個月去搵agent 既, 即係黎緊10月度去搵就ok 了, 如果想要一d 好d既學校, 而家都可以開始去搵了... 唔好leave到太遲啦, 如果唔係呢, 到時full哂就冇學校架啦=]
希望幫到你丫=] 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2009-07-02 8:45 am
會5會睇我中文校內試ge results????(因為好poor)
Usually not. They will consider for other subjects in your HKCEE exam.

咁佢地會睇我咩科ge校內試 results???
No. They will not consider internal results, only HKCEE result.

我which month 要去see agent???
You have to apply now as you have to choose institutions. Many UK institutions will issue conditional letter of offer even you have not received HKCEE result at the moment. We could receommend you different UK institutions depends on your forecast result in HKCEE.

Our services are ALL FREE OF CHARGE

Contact us if you are interested:

852 6929 8304 (Monday to Sunday till 10:30 p.m.) (海外教育資訊網)
MSN: [email protected]
2009-06-26 5:38 am
我想問英國ge schools會5會睇我中文校內試ge results????(因為好poor)

英國ge schools會睇你揀a-level的科目(usually 4 subjects)ge HKCEE 有關科目ge 成績, e.g. if you take maths in a-level, then you have
to pass or above in the HKCEE Maths or 校內試 results ! 通常會著重英文多d嘅...

我which month 要去see agent???

If you hkcee後去英國讀 a-level, 咁最遲 2-3 月要搵定架啦 !因為都好多手續要攪! especially the UK Visa...超煩 !!
參考: 自己經驗

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