
2009-06-25 6:47 pm
1.This question need not detain us long


3.some of it's a little far out for me

4.Someone needs to be asking some very
hard questions
點解要用to be asking?而唔直接用to ask?

5.a lot of activities

6.I'm so lucky to had
many good teachers whose make me behave good.


8.the most happiest of me is seeing
our student to be successful in their whole life.

第2個解答得好好 下次問英文問題可唔可以搵番你 但仲有一點唔明: 8.點解唔好用雙重「最高級」?

回答 (2)

2009-06-27 7:15 pm
002, you are not only arrogant. I think you should carry ALL your dictionaries on your shoulders when you deal with native English speakers.

I have never seen anyone who is as arrogant as you are!

2009-06-27 11:16:14 補充:
By the way, your so-called Cantonese sentences along with those examples sentences from your neat dictionaries are so DULL!

Boring as hell indeed!

2009-06-27 11:25:34 補充:
I am wondering if you are able to type in English.

Do you really have to explain it in Cantonese and with dictionaries?

I am challenging you arrogant freak to show me what you've got in English!

Let me point out your grammatical mistakes and talk about them
in your way.
2009-06-25 11:46 pm

1) 是的,need 是需要加 -s 的,因为 this question 是单数 (singular) 来的,所以正确的句子应该是 This question needs not detain us long. 咯。

2) 我们应该要在 everyone 后面用的动词加 -s 的,就好像 Everyone wants to be rich. 的。

3) 我不知道 some of 的后面为什么会用 it's 的,我们通常会用 ... far out for me ... 的,至于 to 我就不是很确定了。

4) Someone needs to be asking some very hard questions. 是讲述着某人/有人需要被问着一些非常困难的问题,就是说一个正在发生着的动作的被动式句子。

不过,常见的则有 need / needs cleaning = need / needs to be cleaned 和 need / needs to do 的结构咯。

5) 是的,a lot of activities 是正确的,因为 a lot of 的后面是可以用 singular / plural / countable / uncountable nouns 的。

6) 我觉得正确的句子应该是 I'm so lucky to have many good teachers who make me behave. 咯。

7) 其实我们通常在 any 的时候后面的名词 (noun) 都可以是复数和不可数的 (plural and uncountable) 或单数和可数的 (singular and countable) 名词,所以一般上遇到 plural / countable nouns 的时候就加 -s 而遇到 singular and uncountable nouns 就不需加 -s 咯。

8) 我觉得正确的句子应该是 The most happiest thing for me is seeing my students to be successful in their whole life. 咯。

希望能帮到你咯。。。: )

2009-06-25 16:10:25 補充:

6) I'm so lucky to have met many good teachers who make me behave. 也是可以的咯。

如果接下来又其他解答者觉得我的解释有错误,不妨直接说出来,谢谢咯。。。: )

2009-06-26 11:36:02 補充:
你好,[email protected],虽然你的解释是不错,我也谢谢你能改正我的错处,但是我希望你说话的方式可以不要太傲慢吗?我的解释中虽不比你的来得详细,但不至于错到离谱那么夸张,好吗?再说,你的英语文法高并不代表些什么的。

2009-06-27 11:53:59 補充:
哦,原来不只我一人觉得 002 的解答者有点傲慢,所以我真的希望 [email protected] 你能在下次的解答中给其他的解答者留一点面子的余地或说话的方式不要太过傲慢,好吗?因为大家都是进来 Yahoo 知识 + 学习知识与交流的。

我也想谢谢以上的意见者,die,谢谢。。。: )

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