How do you simplify this algebra equation?

2009-06-25 7:50 am
x+3/(x-4) divided by 3+x/(x-4)

Answer and steps included, please?
I know the answer, but for some reason, I can't seem to get the steps.

Thank you :)

回答 (9)

2009-06-25 8:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
x+3/(x-4) divided by 3+x/(x-4)

x + -----------
.......(x - 4)
3 + -----------
.......(x - 4)

.......x(x - 4) + 3
...........(x - 4)
= ------------------------
.......3(x - 4) + x
...........(x - 4)

.......x^2 - 4x + 3
...........(x - 4)
= ------------------------
........3x - 12 + x
...........(x - 4)

.......x^2 - 4x + 3
...........(x - 4)
= ------------------------
...........4x - 12
...........(x - 4)

.......(x - 1)(x - 3)
...........(x - 4)
= ------------------------
..........4(x - 3)
...........(x - 4)

.......(x - 1)(x - 3)......(x - 4)
= ....----------------- * ---------------
...........(x - 4)..........4(x - 3)

The factors (x - 3) and (x - 4) cancel out:

........(x - 1)
= ....----------

Answer: (x - 1) / 4
2009-06-25 9:19 am
= ([x + 3]/[x - 4])/([3 + x]/[x - 4])
= ([x + 3]/[x - 4])([x - 4]/[3 + x])
= 1

Answer: 1—the numerators and the denominators of the dividend and the divisor cancel out each other.
2009-06-25 8:35 am
(x + 3)/(x - 4) ÷ (3 + x)/(x - 4)
= (x + 3)/(x - 4) * (x - 4)/(x + 3)
= [(x + 3) * (x - 4)]/[(x - 4) * (x + 3)]
= 1
2009-06-25 8:25 am
Interpretation of your expression as (x+3)/(x-4) divided by (3+x)/(x-4) is wrong ( which will equal 1). The expression is rightly
x+[3/(x-4)] divided by 3+[x/(x-4)] which works out to be
(x^2-4x+3)/(x-4) divided by (4x-12)/(x-4)
which is (x-3)(x-1)/(x-4) divided by 4(x-3)/(x-4)
which is (x-1)/4
2009-06-25 8:08 am

To divide by a fraction,flip the fraction and multiply.

Reorder the polynomial 3+x alphabetically from left to right,starting with the highest order term.

Cancel the common factor of (x-4) from the denominator of the first expression and the numerator of the second expression.

Cancel the common factor of (x-4) from the denominator of the first expression and the numerator of the second expression.

Multiply the rational expressions to get ((x+3))/((x+3) ).

Reduce the expression by canceling out the common factor of (x+3) from the numerator and denominator.

Reduce the expression by canceling out the common factor of (x+3) from the numerator and denominator.
參考: algebra solver 2009
2009-06-25 7:59 am
(x+3)/(x-4) / (x+3)/(x-4)=1
far X far / near X near,they used to call it when I was a 5th grader
in 1960's
2009-06-25 7:57 am
x+3/(x-4) divided by 3+x/(x-4)
=x+3/x-4 Multiplied by x-4/3+x (eg. 1 divided by 2/3 = 1 multiplied 3/2)

Answer is 1.
2009-06-25 7:56 am
well x+3/(x-4)divided by 3+x/(x-4) is equal to x+3/(x-4) times (x-4)/x+3.
So now you can cross out the (x-4)'s and the (3+x)'s, which would leave you with one.
2009-06-25 7:56 am
x+3 all over x-4 divided by x+3 all over x-4.
x+3 all over x-4 time x-4 all over x+3
The answer is 1 because of cancelling.

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