Would 的用法, that would be ?

2009-06-24 11:16 pm
A : You can't go out there.
B : Why not ?

A : Because of ...the reason.
B : And that would be ?

that would be 是什麽意思 ?
點解用 would, 看起來像will 的過去式.
用 is going to 代替 would 可以嗎 ?
意思有分別嗎 ?

用is 代替可以嗎 ? And that is ?


that would be 和 that should be, 這兩句有分別嗎 ?

回答 (2)

2009-06-25 2:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
A : You can't go out there.
B : Why not ?

A : Because of ...the reason.
B : And that would be ?
would 不是 will 的過去式
B : 可以說 that would be 或 that will be 的
will be -----可能性是比較高一些
would be ----可能性是比較低一些 和 假設性多一些的
在上述的句子不可能用 is going to ,
因為是指一些肯定 將會發生的動作
He is going to study in England next week.

2009-06-25 15:10:51 補充:
And that is -----是可用的

但是 語氣就 100% 的 肯定性,

而不是 可能性

2009-06-26 15:13:56 補充:
that would be...... 和 that should be......

在 上 述 的 例 子 不可能 用 that should be。

I should be..... 和 I would be.....

上述 的例子的意思都是一樣,

但 後者是 比 較 客氣一點。
2009-06-24 11:41 pm
因為係假設, 有可能亦都未必, 所以用'would', 'is going to'並唔係假設, 只要你做一啲嘢, 就會.....
e.g. He will arrive Hong Kong tomorrow and is going to shopping at once.

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