Heptagonal pyramid

2009-06-24 7:35 pm
What is Heptagonal pyramid??? Who knows the answer?

回答 (3)

2009-06-25 1:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
A heptagonal pyramid is a pyramid with a heptagonal base. A heptagon is a seven-sided polygon and it is also sometimes called a septagon.
Properties of a Heptagonal Pyramid :
- A heptagonal pyramid has eight faces.
- A heptagonal pyramid has 14 edges.
- A heptagonal pyramid has 8 corners but one is termed the apex.


The above colourful heptagonal pyramid net is ready to print out, construct & add to your mathematics display. The net is tagged with visual reminders of the properties of a heptagonal pyramid i.e. it has seven triangular faces and one face that is a regular heptagon. You can download it from the following website :

An interactive LiveGraphics3D Applets about Heptagonal Pyramid is included in the following website :

2017-02-22 6:30 pm
Heptagonal Pyramid Net
2009-06-24 11:17 pm
我知道`Heptagonal pyramid`的中文是七角錐體
參考: 自己

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