
2009-06-24 6:22 pm
1.I almost fell down a well yesterday
fell down後面唔使加字?
咁如果我寫成I almost fell down floor yesterday

2.I would like to thank my parents for taking good care of me

3.How about going outside?

4.He asked me to come see the perform

5.I thought you like him more if he spokes
a little less(已實現)

6.We should study hard to broaden our knowledge

7. We must under instruction by the rule(我們需遵守規則)

8.Not only will I be able to take part in many activities
,but also I will be able to broaden my mind

點解頭句要will I be,而唔用I will be?

回答 (4)

2009-06-24 7:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) I almost fell down yesterday. (已可以,fell down已經有跌落地的意思,唔需要強調floor)
2) 無
3) 這句係好口語化,視乎你係說話or寫出黎
4) 有時口語都會有這個情況出現,令說話短一些,不過文字最好唔好用,因為會錯grammar
5) 有,I thought you like him more if he speaks less,spoke係過去式,唔可以加s在後面
6) We should study hard to increase our knowledge,會唔會好d?
7) We must follow the rule, 會比較好d
8) 英文通常都係咁寫..
參考: myself
2009-06-25 8:19 am


2009-06-25 6:51 am
1. I almost fell into a well yesterday. / I almost fell down yesterday. (no need to add "floor")
2. Correct
3. Correct
4. He asked me to come and see the performance. (the "and" omitted or soft tone in spoken English)
5. I thought you woule like him more if he spoke less.
6. Correct
7. We must obey/ follow the rules
8. the structure is like that if the sentence starts with Not only; no particular reason.
2009-06-24 11:16 pm
3.correct(as a suggestion, you can also use what about...?)
4.It is informal(speaking english), "come to see" is formal english,
both are okey.
5.I thought you liked him more if he spoke a little less.
7."under THE instruction" is better
8.It is inversion. If you want to use "I will be" in the begining of the sentence, it is " I will be able not only to take part in many activities, but also (I will be able) to broden my mind.

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