Does this piss off other people as much as it does me while driving?

2009-06-23 3:45 pm
It makes me angry on a daily basis when people don't use their blinkers. Let me preface this by saying that I am an excellent and courteous driver. I do not sit in the fast lane going slow, I am always letting people in, etc.

I cannot stand it when someone comes within 10 feet of my car while cutting into my lane and they don't use a blinker. To me that says they feel like they are the only ones that matter and they are giving you the middle finger. I see it becoming more and more common.. where literally half the people that cut in front of me don't use a blinker.

Also, a runner up.. when people are in front of you in the city, they start to slam on their breaks and then turn without using their turn signal... that comes in a close second on the piss-me-off-o-meter.

It's fine if there is no one else NEAR you... I sometimes still use my blinker even if I am all alone on the road at 4 am. So I wanna hear if this irks other people as much as it does me? I find myself in a bad mood driving on a regular basis.

Edit: I just realized I spelled "Brakes" wrong.. my bad.

回答 (3)

2009-06-23 10:10 pm
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I totally agree with you. It pisses me off too big time. I don't understand why it is so hard to turn on a signal. Those are the type of people who cause accidents.

I also hate it when people tailgate me and pass me by. I don't see the point. When they pass me they don't get that much far ahead. They actually get nowhere. I also hate it when people disobey the laws and the cops never catch them to give them a ticket while others who do almost always get tickets. I got a ticket, not even a warning, for not even doing anything. This made me so mad.

It seems like nowadays there are hardly any people who care about driving right or at least decently. I am glad to here you are not one of those people.
2009-06-23 4:16 pm
man its d same thing i 2 face n feel all day.wat 2 do . i donno wat makes 'em do dat daringly dat accidents may hit 'em anytime.they r not fit 4 drivin' at all in my view.they ride like a sheep n roads.even many times even 2 day i c people cross d roads witout watchin either side ,dey jus cross it and come close 2 my wheel n blink like a moron witout even beatin' it.All v need s tolerance v can't teach all these herds of people.
2009-06-23 8:23 pm
Not really, but thanks for the free points.

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