Ancient China History?

2009-06-23 10:42 am
Ancient China History?

How was Ancient China Governed?

Who ruled them?

What types of laws did Ancient China have?

回答 (8)

2009-06-23 11:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
I will answer your questions for you young lady, but only for your precious 10 points.

Q. Ancient China History?
A. Yes

Q. How was ancient China governed?
A. The government was what you call Feudal. It's a type of government wherein each state has it's own king / leader, but they are all controlled by an emperor / warlord. It's similar to a Federal government structure like that of the US except the United part.

Q. Who ruled them?
A. Aside from home grown warlords / emperors / dictators, China has often been ruled by foreign powers as well. The Yuan Dynasty in China is another way of saying the time when China was overtaken by the Mongols. The Manchu were the Ming Dynasty. The Qing Dynasty was Chinese, but for the most part Britain and other foreign powers dictated much of what went on then.

Q. What types of laws did ancient China have?
A. China has actually never really had laws. Not in the sense that westerners think about. In fact, China only started writing down a code of laws in 1996. In ancient China, up to modern China 20 years ago, you had power by being in the government only. Money meant nothing, only government rank. If you had rank, you were then the law. Say for instance I'm a Chinese government official of that time and I hate watermelons. I might decree while walking down the street one day that watermelons be banned from my jurisdiction. Then I see two jackass's eating a watermelon. I could sentence 1 to death because I don't know him, and the other maybe I just give him a weeks hard labour because he's my sisters kid. Etc.

Also, Genghis Khan was very superstitious and when he ruled, he decreed that any farmer whose land had been struck by lightening did not have to pay taxes as that would upset the gods.

Ok, now give me my points.
2009-06-23 12:15 pm
Fizzy try to explain but mixed up hear & there in name & period.
Best for you is to refer to the Wikipedia or China History Book to get the real correct tracing of the whole period of 5000+ yrs of civilisation.
2016-11-01 11:34 am
Ancient China Government And Laws
2009-06-23 1:19 pm
the emperour rules all- he would have governors in control of different provinces
2009-06-23 12:23 pm
The emperor was the upmost governor of ancient china. He had the final decisive right of national affairs. Zaixiang was similar to premier, he dealed with national routine affairs. There were 6 departments, which were similar to todays ministries.
Of curse, it was different among dynasties, but the basic structure were similar.

Each dynasty had their own laws, of curse not as detailed as todays laws. The items were like: if one killed somedody, how to punish him, if one robbed somebody how to punish him. As the saying goes, "Even if the emperor violates the law, he will be punished like civilians." If officials violate the law, he will be punished according to the law as well.
Different from western countries case law system, untill today, china and japan use statute law system. There was not jury, the local governor was the judge in ancient china.
2009-06-24 3:27 am
Here is a history of China sites introducing the history from Prehistoric times to Qing Dynasty.
2009-06-23 5:49 pm
Ancient China was governed with the emperor as the ultimate decision-maker. He'd have advisors and courts to help him, but he gets the final say in how things are done. Officials are ranked, with the first ranks assisting the emperor in the courts and lower ranks governing the individual counties/towns. Think of it as a modern day company, president would be the emperor, then there's the CEO, CFO, COO, etc...managers, supervisors, team leaders, etc.

Ancient China had written laws. These can be found in a lot of scripts from the olden days. These scripts are written by the emperor and his advisors. With these laws, the officials then ruled their counties and towns. Some of the laws include property, taxation, government-entrance exams, etc.
2009-06-23 12:31 pm
I don't know your age, but even if you are an older student, this website will be helpful. Here is the table of contents:

Chinese History (with timeline)
Chinese Environment (with maps)
Chinese Religion
Chinese Clothing
Chinese Economy
Chinese Science
Chinese Language and Literature
Chinese Games
Chinese Philosophy
Chinese Food
Chinese People
Chinese Art History
Chinese Architecture
Books about Ancient China
Ancient China memory game
Ancient China hangman vocabulary game

Crafts and Projects on Ancient China
Teacher's Guides for Ancient China
Gifts about Ancient China

Another good website for ancient Chinese history is

It explains how the dynasty and feudal systems worked in China and would probably come in handy for your report.

Good luck!

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