
2009-06-23 6:43 am
1. 我們會設計一個推廣計劃。
2. 我們會安排適當有關人手工作。
3. 我們聯絡有關的合作夥伴關於推廣工具。
4. 我們定期開會為了督導和檢討有關工作進展。
5. 我了解x先生 / x小姐您的問題和擔憂。我們的產品/計劃包括XXX,XXX,XXX這麼多的功能。這麼多的功能需要這麼多錢。
6. 其實您每一個月只是付出xxx,每日都是付出xxx,如同您買一個xxx這麼平宜。
7. 我十分能理解你們目前的關係非常好。不過,我肯定您不想錯過一些產品線(或另外一個原材料供應來源)的機會。
8. 我們已經拿了xxx牌照。您可以打電話到有關的機構查詢,詢問我們的公司是否已經註冊。

回答 (3)

2009-06-23 7:08 pm
1. We will design a promoted plan.
2. We will arrange the suitable related manpower work.
3. We contact the related partner about to promote the tool.
4. We hold a meeting regularly to direct with the self-criticism related work progress.
5. I understood that x gentleman/x young lady your question and worried. Our product/plan including XXX, XXX, XXX these many functions. These many functional need these many money.
6. Actually your each month is only pays xxx, is every day pays xxx, is similar to you buy one such evenly xxx suitable.
7. I can understand that very your present relations are good. However, I affirmed you do not want to miss some product line (or other raw material supply origin) opportunity.
8. We had already taken xxx license plate. You may telephone to the related organization inquiry, inquired that we company whether already to register.
參考: yahoo 聰明筆
2009-06-23 6:25 pm
1. We will design a development scheme.
2. We will arrange an appropriate work-related staff.
3. We contact the partners on the marketing tool.
4. We meet regularly to oversee and review the progress of the work.
5. I know x Mr. / x Miss your questions and concerns. Our products / plans including XXX, XXX, XXX so many functions. The function of the needs of so many so much money.
6. In fact, you only pay each month xxx, are paid daily xxx, as you buy a cheaper xxx so.
7. I am able to understand your current relationship is very good. However, I am sure you do not want to miss a number of product lines (or other sources of supply of raw materials) opportunities.
8. We have received a license xxx. You can call the relevant institutions to inquiries, we asked whether they are registered.
2009-06-23 5:42 pm
1. We will design a development scheme.
2. We will arrange an appropriate work-related staff.
3. We contact the partners on the marketing tool.
4. We meet regularly to oversee and review the progress of the work.
5. I know x Mr. / x Miss your questions and concerns. Our products / plans including XXX, XXX, XXX so many functions. The function of the needs of so many so much money.
6. In fact, you only pay each month xxx, are paid daily xxx, as you buy a cheaper xxx so.
7. I am able to understand your current relationship is very good. However, I am sure you do not want to miss a number of product lines (or other sources of supply of raw materials) opportunities.
8. We have received a license xxx. You can call the relevant institutions to inquiries, we asked whether they are registered.
參考: google

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