有沒有人教我有效的 e - marketing ?

2009-06-23 4:46 am
有沒有人教我有效的 e - marketing ? 或者是 theory ?

回答 (4)

2009-06-26 7:50 am
✔ 最佳答案

Simply to say, it consists of the trandition marketing theory as well as e-commerce.
The trandtion marketing theory is Four Ps concept.
P--Price, P-place, P-product, P- Promotion.

How to convert and combine 4Ps on the e-commerce is the Theory of Emarketing.

For example,
Price + E-commerce, on the world of internet, we would use the website or on line service to show or get the charge from the customer directly, such as the service of Yahoo_auction or Paypel payment on line.

Promotion + E commerce, using the forum or website banner to promote your product instead of trandition mass media.

Please check the reference website :

參考: Personal Experience
2010-01-13 5:12 am
We will provide you web service www.aim.hk
2009-06-25 5:36 pm
有效的 e - marketing,易學,有興趣63848323釗哥
2009-06-24 4:33 pm
成功的秘訣:100% 態度複制
這是一個是賺錢的機會,不一定適合你,如果 6個月後能夠讓你賺到 10萬元,有興趣才來找我們。

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