Which is correct?

2009-06-23 12:41 am
1. Which is correct?

A. You must write a sentence with captital letter and end with a full stop.

B. You must write a sentence with a captital letter and end with a full stop.

C. You must write a sentence with captital letters and ends with a full stops.

2. Which is correct?

A. The sum of forty-three and seventeen is sixty.

B. The sum of four and seventy are seventy-four.

3. Which is correct? A. My parents live in next room. B. My parents lives on next room. C. My parent live at next room.

回答 (4)

2009-06-23 2:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) B (but it should be "capital letter", not "captital")
A. You must write a sentence with captital letter and end with a full stop.
-- capital letter is a countable noun, we need the article "a"
B. You must write a sentence with a captital letter and end with a full stop.
C. You must write a sentence with captital letters and ends with a full stops.
-- we can separate this into two sentences
-- 1. You must write a sentence with capital letters.
-- 2. You must ends a sentence with a full stops.
-- in the second sentence, we do not need to add an "s" after the modal verb "must". Also, after the article "a", we should not add an "s" for the noun that follows.
2. A
A. The sum of forty-three and seventeen is sixty.
B. The sum of four and seventy are seventy-four.
-- the main verb in this sentence is "are", and it refers to the sum, so should be "is" instead of "are", because the sum is singular.
3. A
A. My parents live in next room.
B. My parents lives on next room.
-- "parents" mean father and mother, it is a plural noun, we do not need to add an "s" in the verb "live"
-- the preposition should not be "on"
C. My parent live at next room.
-- here, "parent" mean father OR mother, it is a singular noun, we need to add an "s" in the verb "live"

2009-06-22 18:24:54 補充:
2009-06-23 11:06 am
Which is correct?
1. Which is correct?

A. You must write a sentence with captital letter and end with a full stop.

B. You must write a sentence with a captital letter and end with a full stop.

C. You must write a sentence with captital letters and ends with a full stops.

There are mistakes in each sentence!

**** We are not supposed to end every sentence with a full stop. **
A good example for you:

He is a very stupid jerk! <-------------- Here we use an exclamation mark.

1) end ( object = it ) missing object=it

The best way of writing it is as follows:

You must capitalize the first word of every sentence and end IT with (a full stop or ) appropriate punctuation.


2. Which is correct?

A. The sum of forty-three and seventeen is sixty.

B. The sum of four and seventy are seventy-four.


The sum of .......... IS ( not "are")

Your two sentences are pretty clumsy!

Try these

1) Forty-three plus seventeen makes sixty.

2) Forty-three plus seventeen is equal to sixty.
3) Forty-three plus seventeen equals sixty.

Herewith apply the example sentences to part B.

Note: Forty-three plus seventeen = SINGULAR
3. Which is correct?

A. My parents live in next room.

B. My parents lives on next room.

C. My parent live at next room.

All sentences above are wrong!!

Ans: My parents live IN THE( the definite article is needed here)
NEXT ROOM.<-----

2009-06-23 7:05 am


2009-06-23 3:05 am
A. You must write a sentence which begins with a capital letter of the first word and end with a full stop.

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