手提電腦出現藍色畫面 (急)

2009-06-22 7:10 am
我部手提電腦前幾日突然出現藍色畫面, 每次要重新開機, 但用一陣間又出現藍色畫面, 畫面顯示 IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL同埋一堆Code : 0X0000000A (0XFF131072,0X00000002,0X00000000,0X804DAF68), 我唔知點攪, 又要趕用, 有人話底板或者ram有問題, 但我試過攞走其中一條ram, 又試過調轉插都出現藍色畫面,我投哂降.


I have use original format disc to format my notebook but the problem still occur. All driver should install by original format disc then i think it should not related battery driver.


I try to change another HDD and RAM but problem still occur, I agreed your say, it may happen problem of mainboard. Would you kindly advice any place for fix my notebook with lower price and safety.


Thanks for your kindly advice.

回答 (2)

2009-06-22 7:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your Windows XP problem.
This error message occurs because of a problem in the battery driver (Battc.sys).
try dl the hot fix patch, good luck!

2009-06-22 17:47:19 補充:
base on the details you provided, have u tried the above method?

Or would u provide exact blue_screen message?

2009-06-22 17:47:44 補充:
Before returning the PC to maintenance desk, try to dl the IDEscan or any SATA scanner to scan your HDD for finding out any HDD failure.

HDD failure, such as bad sectors, can be the root cause of many issue.

2009-06-24 13:18:28 補充:
If you have tried restoring the factory default O/S, but face same problem. There must be problem related to the mainboard of your laptop or any other device that connected to it, such as USB stick, USB DVD Rom... . Try unplug all the external devices then re-test. good luck!

2009-06-26 22:30:07 補充:
For Mainboard problem, only the brand of production maintenance desk can help you!
Much regret that I won't think those repair shop can provide help since they dont have the aminboard parts. However, you can have a try.

2009-06-26 22:30:24 補充:
Much regret that I won't think those repair shop can provide help since they dont have the aminboard parts. However, you can have a try.

2009-06-26 22:30:58 補充:
If your laptop has replaced with not exact same model motherboard, your original recover disk will not function any more.

2009-06-26 22:31:16 補充:
If your laptop has been used for more than 2 and a half year, I 'll suggest you to get a replacement instead pay high cost on repairing.
For general usage excluding playing games, netbook, only cost about 2xxx, is a good choice.
2009-06-22 3:26 pm




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