海外升學 -工商管理

2009-06-22 3:18 am
會考account 拎e
今年入讀 ive 4年制high DIP 的2年級
想今年去澳洲 /usa (主要澳洲)
目的: 升u
maybe 先入一些 預備班 / 12.13班

請問各位 哥哥姐姐 有沒有這經驗?

1. 入讀那間學校?

2. 修讀的科目?
-用不用先上預備班 / 12.13班?
- 要多少年?
-account 外要讀咩unit

3. 學費方面?
一年多小hk dollars?



回答 (2)

2009-07-02 6:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
You do not need to study Year 11/12. You could apply for Univeristy Year 1 Year 2 directly. You have to prepare for IELTS to enter into universities. You many grant around 4 subjects credit exemption.

1. 入讀那間學校?
A lot of universities in Australia, totally 39. You could study Curtin University (Perth), Griffith University (Brisbane) where fewer universities than in Sydney or Melbourne.

2. 修讀的科目?
-用不用先上預備班 / 12.13班?
- 要多少年?
-account 外要讀咩unit

No need to study Year 11/12, apply directly to university Year 1 or Year 2. If the university accepts you in Year 2, so 2 years are required. Usually, you may grant 4 subjects credit exempted (1 semester), hence 2 and half years need to study. You have to study other Business subjects like Economics, Finance, Marketing, Statistics, etc.

3. 學費方面?
一年多小hk dollars?
Around AUD 15, 000- 18, 000 a year

You could study in university's dormitory. The living expense would be around AUD 12, 000 a year.

There will be separate male and female dormitoy.

If you are interested, please contact us:
留學會客室- 852 6929 8304 (Monday- Sunday till 10:30 p.m.)
www.free-apply.com 海外教育資訊網
ALL FREE OF CHARGE (except visa and institution application fees)
MSN: [email protected]
2009-06-28 11:59 pm
你可以報讀一些大學內開既diploma. 之後接上大學2年級. 其實選擇好多, 亦係好多香港學生讀的類型。 視乎你想去邊個省.

2. 修讀的科目? (會商科 / accounting)
-用不用先上預備班 / 12.13班? (通常不用)
- 要多少年? ( 共3年)
-要多小unit? (一年讀8科)
-account 外要讀咩unit (其它商科的科目, 如marketing, economics, Information system.... )

3. 學費方面?
一年多小hk dollars?(一年學費約由HKD9萬 - 12萬)不等.

4.交通,膳食? (當地通常撘火車 / 巴士)
如果住homestay就佢包食, 但如果自己住就要自己煮了.
-一天包多少餐? (一日兩餐)
無一定, 由宿舍到學校, 一般吾會好遠.

5.宿舍? 視乎間學校有冇宿舎, 吾一定間間有架.
-提供宿舍(女生)? 有的.
-1個月多小錢? HKD7000 - 8000 不等.
希望以上資料幫到你, 如有問題可email我 [email protected] 大家交流下啦.
參考: Myself + 朋友

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